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I think a glitch screwed me :\ (spoilers)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:29 pm
by jazzkat
Okay so...I...played through Morrowind for god only knows how long...and I didn't know what I was doing, at all, really (because Bethesda was so ingenius as to not make anything specific as to what you were supposed to be doing) I really REALLY neglected the Blades' Quests and went about my ways, leveling up a while.

Now, see, I'm level 46 now, and I've got pretty much everything maxed out at this point (I figured, "Hey; RPG - that means I better get to beefing up my character...") so I REALLY don't want to have to start over, but I guess I ought to know now from what I'm about to explain:

I got far enough into the game that I found out what the Nerevarine is, and to help me find/finish quests, I would look online for quest help. I got past the Third Trial for the Nerevarine, and then found out that the "main quests" are from the Blades. Woops. I went back to do those, and eventually got to the one where Caius mentions I ought to ask the Urshilaku Camp people if I really am the Nerevarine, since he finally up and tells me that the Emperor had been using me to find out if I really am the Nerevarine or not...and to mainly ask two of the people about the Nerevarine Cult.

Here's the kicker: I was already named Nerevarine by two of the tribes, was stalling on doing the quest for the Ahemmusa, and hadn't gone to see the Urshilaku quite yet, and so I went to see them. Turns out the option for "Nerevarine Cult" isn't by either of the two leaders of it. Just...on one person in that tribe, who I think is the lady who repairs things. But...Sul-Matuul and Nibae...something...heh...well, they don't have that option at all. Add the fact that I've already been named Nerevarine of the tribe, now (and actually I went to do the Ahemmusa one now I'm Nerevarine of all of the tribes) and...yep.

So I go back to Caius to select "Orders"...and he still thinks I never talked to them. Which...I guess in a way is true, since I had no option of "Nerevarine Cult" from them in the first place.

So I think I'm stuck. Wasted all of that gameplay to come to this.

Please say it ain't so; there has to be SOME way to fix/go around this :| if I guess I'll take another year break from this game so I forget how to play it and end up starting all over again :\

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:37 pm
by ch85us2001
Are you a PC gamer? Then there should be a console command. Im sure one of our PC gamers can fill you in (Im an X-boxer, until I get my CD drive fixed this week! :D ) :) ;) (this is your cue, Fable! :D )

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:38 pm
by jazzkat
Unfortunately, no :\ I play XBOX...

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:41 pm
by ch85us2001
If you use Gamebanshees [url=""]walkthrough[/url] (will provide link when I get a chance) it provides a "quick way to the end" :)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:43 pm
by jazzkat
Well, better than restarting...AGAIN :P

I had played this game for a while...then I took a break for like, 9 months...and somehow got back into the swing of things and really went at it. Now...this happens, and it's nerve-wracking! Gah.

Thanks though :)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:09 pm
by ch85us2001
I would reccomend making a seperate save game before doing that though, incase you find a better way. ;) :)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:16 pm
by jazzkat
Well, if you could find me that link, that would be awesome. Since, knowing me, I won't want to delete the game I have right now, it wouldn't be of any harm anyway if I gave that shortcut a shot :P

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:44 pm
by ch85us2001
Here it is! :D
Gamebanshee provides an EXCELLENT walkthrough for the entire main quest, expansions and guild quests. :D

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:47 pm
by jazzkat
Awesome! Thank you so much :)