Supervillan, your imput is valued
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:04 pm
I've finally beaten Morrowind's main quest along with the Tribunal, and Bloodmoon main quests, and all the side quests I care to do. I'm ready to exterminate all the npc's! But theres a couple a things I need to do before hand and isn't that what gamebanshees for, advice? First (don't laugh at this question
) I still haven't figured out how to enchant something with a constant effect. I have the golden saint/grand soul gems and the cash but I can't seem to figure it out. Since I will be traveling alot on my muderous rampage I want a pair of constant levitate shoes or something to make getting around easier. Also what supervillan spells or abilties do you think I should pick up on. I've got all the summon golden saint spells and some good custom stuff. What about armor, I'm currently wearing a full set of daedric with the daedric face of god. It matches. Weapons wise I'm using the trueflame blade, although I do like the gravedigger sword I picked off that royal guard. Last the lair, I try to settle for those small masions but I have a taste for more extravigant abods, and with an x-box and no mods thats harder than it sounds. I was think Dagoth Ur's Citadel but I need a place with shelves and tables to display my loot, and that place has about one
Wish my "happy hunting
Wish my "happy hunting