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Didn't realize to not sell Imperial armour c_c;

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:47 am
by jazzkat
Yeh so uhm...sometime wayyyy early in my game I sold my Imperial armour even though I had decided to join the Imperial no one important will talk to me. And I have no idea where to buy new Imperial armour. Anyone know?

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:53 am
by fable
Are you on the PC? Because if so, there are several mods that allow you to carry around the equivalent of a "card" in your inventory that achieves the same result. I don't believe the game has a flag you can set for this on your character.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:38 am
by Ravager
IIRC, I only needed the chain cuirass and once wearing that, I was considered in uniform.
They are very widespread. I think that they should be available to buy in most towns.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:19 pm
by Greg.
You can steal them from the customs and excise place - behind the level 50 locked door. I often take them to sell at the beginning

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 3:02 pm
by shana

You can also find some at the top of the middle stairwell of the Imperial Castle (or whatever its actual name is) in Caldera.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 3:57 pm
by TonyMontana1638
Honestly dude you can buy Imperial armor almost anywhere. AS long as the armor says "imperial ..." (imperial chain mail, imperial cuirass, etc.) it should be considered unifrom enough for peeps to talk to you. I know you can buy the stuff at the garrisons, and most other armor shops too. The best way to do it is once you find an Imperial Chain cuirass (or something related, you don't need the gloves or a helm or anything, just the breastplate/cuirass) keep it in a safe spot so it won't take up weight in your inventory (if you've converted a house into one of yours, have a stronghold, or just want to use say a chest in a place you'll come back to alot), and then everytime you need to do a Legion-related quest throw it in your inventory. Everyone should talk to you if you keep it in your inventory and then throw it on before you talk to an officer or someone. It's really a fairly easy solution, but it took me awhile to figure this out too.
Hope it helps :D .

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:02 pm
by jazzkat

I play XBOX.

And no, not just ANY armour worked. I tried it. Really. I did end up finding a chain cuirass (thanks for telling me about that one) and at least that DID work.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 7:40 pm
by TonyMontana1638

I play XBOX.

And no, not just ANY armour worked. I tried it. Really. I did end up finding a chain cuirass (thanks for telling me about that one) and at least that DID work.[/QUOTE]

Glad the chain cuirass worked, but I didn't say "just ANY armor should work", I said any armor breastplate/cuirass that said "Imperial" before it. If that isn't true in your experiences then I am in error and apologize, but I thought it worked for me. Anyway, glad your problem's solved I just wanted to clear that up :D .