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"Page can not be shown" error

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:06 pm
by Kipi
Since the updating of GB, I have begun to get error messages "Page can not be shown!", and when I click Ok, the the browsers shows the error page.

This occurs especially when I use Explorer, and this has happened both in unviersity and at home when I have tried to post. Mostly this happens when I'm posting in Spam Factory, but also in other threads. At times, hitting F5 helps immediatly, but some times I have to press it several times before the page is shown again.

So, anyone else has experienced this??
I know it can not have anything to do with my comp, since I have used several computers, and this also comes in Opera, but not so often.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:15 pm
by Hill-Shatar
[QUOTE=Kipi]So, anyone else has experienced this??[/QUOTE]

Yes, repeatedly last night while going through the forums, specifically RPG Discussion, I would hit threads that always had an error, one of them being the recent Diablo thread.

I have experienced it no where else on the site, though, nor have I had any errors since.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:28 pm
by Ravager
Hmm, I haven't been having any problems.

They're not Database Errors are they? Those would be definitely connected to GB.