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Marr Gan Tempel Pilgrimage Help (SPOILER)
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:58 pm
by billy6guns
In the Tempel at Marr Gan is a big rock with a plaque that ya read.. and a priest that says he'll help ya with your pilgramage who casts a blessing on ya...but frankly im clueless as to what im supposed to do there..
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:37 am
by Xandax
Read the sing on the rock, then turn to the right and look at the "person" standing there.
If you need more information - then highlight to read, This is how I recall it should go:
-->The sign on the rock sais something about Vivee (I think it was) taunting a Deadra to avoid it attacking somebody else.
To the right is a Deadra, so go taunt him until he attacks, then kill him and read the sign on the rock again.<--