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Help me out with familiars please

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:50 am
by Csonka
Ok, so i never ever bothered with familiars in any of my games before, so i don't know anything about them, but this time around i'd like to see what they can do. I'd really appreciate some help here, as far as i know they change with your alignment.

I have a cat (chaotic neutral), he seems to be a thief but he's very very cruddy at anything, he can find traps but usually fails at disabling them, can't pick pocket for ****, buuut he can sneak around though. So, is hiding in the shadows the cats only useful ability?

I'd really like to know if these familiars improve with leveling cause here at the start of the game that cat seems useless... i really hope he'll be of some use later on or else its just a wasted inventory slot/point of constitution.

And another thing, advice... do familiars ever give any advice? Mine never told me anything, besides in Irenicus' dungeon to get out of there... (gee thanks, Cat)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:44 am
by VonDondu
If you do a search on this message board, you will find several message threads that might answer your questions. For example, try this one.

A familiar's abilities aren't that great. For example, a cat doesn't have enough thieving skill points to do much of anything. The main benefit in having a familiar is that your character gets extra hit points. And of course, Mages can use all the extra hit points they can get. I suggest that rather than exposing your familiar to unknown dangers, you should keep your familiar tucked safely away so it won't get killed.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:55 am
by fable
Please do use the search function before making queries like this. You'll find a great deal on familiars.

Also, the forum rules of the site owner are pretty strict about using vulgarity. The site's located in the US, and a few complaints in this day and age could get us knocked off our Host.

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