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Planescape Torment: Is it available in stores?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:37 pm
by frdchkn

I've really been wanting to purchase PS:T, however before I buy it online, I was just curious if it was available at any retail stores. Considering how long it has been since it came out, I doubt it, but it would be great if anyone knew if they still stock it at, say Wal-Mart or something. If it's not available anymore in stores I'll probably just buy it off amazon or something. Thanks for the help.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:48 pm
by fable
Your best bet is Amazon. I just saw a copy selling on the US side for under $13 USD.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:59 pm
by VonDondu
Fry's Electronics might have a few copies in stock. I found some in the "bargain bin" for $4.99 last year. The package (which is not much bigger than a double-size CD jewel case) contains two games: Planescape Torment and a game called Soulbringer.

Wal-Mart used to have some copies, but that was two or three years ago, and I don't know if they have any left.