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themed parties

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themed parties

Post by ammama »

Basically a role playing party with a theme that affects the character build.


The guild of theives. Basically a intrepid band of theives from Luskan who journeyed to Targos to serve as mercenaries but also to rob the town of all its wealth. Every character has a few rogue levels and of course is EVIL. The whole party can sneak well so all of them can move amongst a band of enemies and each make their target. A well placed fireball and other mass damage which all characters can evade. Some hefty sneak attacks from everyone. OR the party could potentially sneak through a whole level without having to fight anybody. party goes as follows

rogue x/wizardy: almost all spells are based around deception tactics like mass invisibility and mirror image. Shadow summons too. Illusionist school basically. wears no armour and weilds simple weapons

Rogue x/cleric y: Probably a Mask (is that the one that has + to theif skills?) who heals and acts as a secondary tank. wears light armour and weilds a longsword

Fighter 4/Roguex: The parties tank who takes the most of the damage. Perhaps chuck in some barbarian levels. Dual weilds small or large swords. Wears light armour

Monk of the old order x/Rogue 10: A scout, and since moves fast serves as a character to take out weak enemies

Bard 11/Rogue x: A bard of course, a support wizard/buffer. does most of the pickpocketing etc.

Fighter x/Rogue 10: The parties sniper. uses any kind of ranged weapons

Tell me if you ever dreamed up any parties like these
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Post by Endugu »

Themed parties are interesting. I think thats called "roleplaying the game" around here, right?

Anyway, I made some parties that based on different campaign settings, i.e. a "Ravenloft" or "Dark Sun" party. :)
Of course, you have to make some compromises, since the classes or races of those settings can be rather different from the ones in IWD2.

Also, I could never figure out a good reason why they ended up in Faerun's north...
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