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***SPOILER*** Dome of Kazia -- Don't Need Speed

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:27 pm
by Dyre Straits
At first I had some problems with that rotating arm and not being fast enough ... even with over 100 Speed Levels.

Well, I didn't even need ANY speed enhancement. ;)

Do you remember that sorcerer who dropped out of the sky in Morrowind? The one with Level 1000 Acrobatic? :) Well, I DO!! And, it came in very handy in this dome.

Using it, I took one leap, hit my head on the ceiling above the open door, slid down the wall and fell to the floor right in front of the opening. Took a couple of steps forward and was ready for the next room. :)

So, if speed enhancement isn't working, a big boost in Acrobatics comes in very handy. :)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:10 pm
by Rookierookie
I just drank a lot of lubricants and wore the boots of blinding speed.

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:42 am
by Alien_Newborn
Lubricants, you say.........

I used a jump spell. I only needed to have an extra 20, I think. Peronally I think that there are alot more ways to solve that problem that I just haven't thought of. That's one thing which is great about the Clockwork City, is that you really need to use your head in some areas (you know, like thinking :laugh: ).