Is it realistic for Aerie, Anomen & Viconia to stay with the PC?
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:56 am
Almost every BGII party has a cleric. They have a ton of interesting spells other than healing and are pretty useful, if not absolutely necessary. However, they're also answerable to a higher power, and I've always wondered about the conflict this causes if they remain with the PC.
Aerie: Let's assume the PC is good/neutral (If he's evil, he'd probably take Viconia anyway..). Baerevan is the forest god of the gnomes, a diety close to nature. Ok, Aerie became his cleric thanks to Quayle. However, most PCs are not gnomes. The only gnome in the party would be Jan (which half of us don't take). The only interaction with nature the PC has is at Trademeet. Most of the PCs action do not influence gnomes in any way, and in fact might even be evil by necessity (associating with Thieves/Vampires). Why then would Aerie remain with the party, and continue to get spells? At the end of TOB Aerie is probably the most powerful cleric of Baerevan in the realms. Would a diety allow his chosen (which Aerie practically is, at this point) to go off with a PC having nothing to do with the diety's faith and people? (Of course, if the PC is a gnome, Aerie is the perfect choice..)
Viconia: Slightly more straightforward. A good PC taking Viconia is ridiculous. Shar is an evil diety, and her clerics are required to perform evil acts to gain or even retain powers. Viconia is not exactly encouraging loss and despair by performing good deeds. The whole concept of Viconia redeeming herself is impossible, unless she accepts a new diety and gains the same levels. She would lose her clerical powers in a few days by doing good. A neutral/evil PC with Viconia is understandable. They're together for mutual benefit, the PC for her healing, and Viconia for the conflict and resulting despair in the PC's wake.
Anomen: An interesting choice. Helm is the god of watchers, and it is possible Anomen will work with a good/neutral PC, both to watch over his path and to assist in ridding the land of evil. There are certain quests Anomen can never undertake (he can help rid the graveyard district of Undead, but cannot be robbing the tombs). I'm also not sure he can take on the Mae'var quests (unless he thinks getting rid of a guild master is for the greater good). He would have an interesting conflict helping the PC with either the Shadow thieves or Bodhi. However, Helm might not mind his cleric working with the PC on his path to godhood, as he does not yet know if the PC will use his power for good or evil. If the PC is good/neutral and human, Anomen is the perfect choice.
After looking at all three Clerics, I feel Anomen is a more realistic choice to gain powers and mesh well with a good/neutral PC. Yes, he's a pompous, prickly guy, but it's his personality that makes him irritating, not his faith. Comments?
Aerie: Let's assume the PC is good/neutral (If he's evil, he'd probably take Viconia anyway..). Baerevan is the forest god of the gnomes, a diety close to nature. Ok, Aerie became his cleric thanks to Quayle. However, most PCs are not gnomes. The only gnome in the party would be Jan (which half of us don't take). The only interaction with nature the PC has is at Trademeet. Most of the PCs action do not influence gnomes in any way, and in fact might even be evil by necessity (associating with Thieves/Vampires). Why then would Aerie remain with the party, and continue to get spells? At the end of TOB Aerie is probably the most powerful cleric of Baerevan in the realms. Would a diety allow his chosen (which Aerie practically is, at this point) to go off with a PC having nothing to do with the diety's faith and people? (Of course, if the PC is a gnome, Aerie is the perfect choice..)
Viconia: Slightly more straightforward. A good PC taking Viconia is ridiculous. Shar is an evil diety, and her clerics are required to perform evil acts to gain or even retain powers. Viconia is not exactly encouraging loss and despair by performing good deeds. The whole concept of Viconia redeeming herself is impossible, unless she accepts a new diety and gains the same levels. She would lose her clerical powers in a few days by doing good. A neutral/evil PC with Viconia is understandable. They're together for mutual benefit, the PC for her healing, and Viconia for the conflict and resulting despair in the PC's wake.
Anomen: An interesting choice. Helm is the god of watchers, and it is possible Anomen will work with a good/neutral PC, both to watch over his path and to assist in ridding the land of evil. There are certain quests Anomen can never undertake (he can help rid the graveyard district of Undead, but cannot be robbing the tombs). I'm also not sure he can take on the Mae'var quests (unless he thinks getting rid of a guild master is for the greater good). He would have an interesting conflict helping the PC with either the Shadow thieves or Bodhi. However, Helm might not mind his cleric working with the PC on his path to godhood, as he does not yet know if the PC will use his power for good or evil. If the PC is good/neutral and human, Anomen is the perfect choice.
After looking at all three Clerics, I feel Anomen is a more realistic choice to gain powers and mesh well with a good/neutral PC. Yes, he's a pompous, prickly guy, but it's his personality that makes him irritating, not his faith. Comments?