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Fast Money

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 12:04 pm
by Forbidden Fire
I had problems making money. I wanted weapons, armor, houses.....everything.
Shop keepers kept telling me to trade between shops, so I gave it a shot. This is the best situation I could come up with.
1-Max out your GUILE.
2-Buy all of the precious stones and wedding rings that you can get your hands on. This can be a progressive process, but the more items that you have for trade the higher your profit will be.
3-Visit Oakvale's shop.
4-Sell all of your stones and wedding rings (you'll find that these are the easiest to make your profit on).
5-Buy them all back for cheaper then you sold them for...making a profit at one convenient location.
6-Repeat Processes until you have BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of coin.

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 1:14 pm
by Greg.
There's another couple of very similar threads that relate to making a fast buck, links below...





Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:24 pm
by dark mistery
if you want serious gold fast go to oakvale and kill all villagers and buy as many houses as you can and rent them then teleport then come back and sleep 3 times and collect all the gold. i have collected like 1 million with my evil character.