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powergamer question: Bane Cleric/Monk (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 7:01 pm
by krunchyfrogg
is it worth starting off a human monk build with just 1 level of cleric of bane for the later wisdom (and therefore armor class and stunning fist DC) +2 bonus?

edit: this character is being built for play in a party

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 4:29 am
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=krunchyfrogg]is it worth starting off a human monk build with just 1 level of cleric of bane for the later wisdom (and therefore armor class and stunning fist DC) +2 bonus?

edit: this character is being built for play in a party[/QUOTE]

for this issue I would recommend the JUPP DG build

...or for much more offensive potential the drow female build:

major class: cleric of bane (dreadmaster) 15
mix-ins: rogue 3 - fighter 4 - monk 3 - wizard 5

...I posted in the powergameing guide.

a (more or less) pure monk is by far not that powerfull as you might think, if you just read the class description!

The more powerfull enemies in IWD2 are more or less immune to all monk special attacks - so a monk just don't have enough damage potential against some enemies - and for a just "not getting hit" ultimate AC build a DG is much better!



Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 6:12 am
by Endugu
While it might not be a powergamer's favorite choice, I like to give my (human) monks a level of cleric, just so they can use priests' (heal critical, restoration, remove poison...) scrolls.
A monk's speed (+dash) makes her very maneuverable on the battlefield, therefore quite a good " combat medic"!

I know that didnt answer your initial question (have yet to playe a cleric of bane), but Ill say: go for it.
You dont loose much power in the long run by giving your monk one level of cleric, anyway.

Other points to consider (besides the scrolls):
- Items. Well, I dont remember if there are any "clerics only"-items in the game, which would be of any use for a monk...
- Quests. As you already said, Banites get an extra quest (Ilmaters too; dont kow about others), which means extra exp and other rewards.
- I some situations, even a level 1 cleric spell or ability (albeit a very short one) that you party's cleric wouldnt have to cast on the monk might be useful; say "protection from evil".

That's all; cant think of any other reasons for/against such a build at the moment. :)