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Person in Ald-Rund

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Person in Ald-Rund

Post by sunnydolan »

There is a person just outside the Ald-Rund mages guild that keeps talking about his "airship" and i am completely lost as to what to do, and its not in the walkthrough. HELP!!!
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Nerevar Reborn
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Location: Blocking the dragonbreath

Post by Nerevar Reborn »


Sunny i think you probally should have put spoiler at the start of the title but anyway.

The person is luis beuchamp and he built an airship to look for some ancient barrow wiyth the amulet of infectious charm.Now simply go to slothseim and go to the centre of the island and you will find horthrumnds bane (spelling) now if you spoke to him the whole thing he will tell you what say gfrom there (not spoil anything)
So i hear that the dark brotherhood assinated an elf.
I hear you smell.
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