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Saving Private Has -SPOILERS

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:24 pm
by Curdis
Now I searched and didn't come up with anything about this so I will share.

At the start of Bohdi's lair (I), the shadow theives send a magic user and his golem to open the door to Bohdi's lair. His name I believe is Has. Usually he lives about 0.04 seconds and joins the list of NPC who you can't save from death, Lin in Maevar's, Nalia's Dad, (etc.). Looks like if you have a three letter name your life expectancy is somewhat like a Star Trek security officer's.

Well yesterday I got Has all the way through! He's a survivor! I think having boots of speed on my protagonist helped but if you thought that the forces of goodness could not save this poor sap you need to think again! I just hope it doesn't cause any weird bugs... - Curdis !

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:22 am
by Mr.Waesel
That's pretty sweet. Got any pics?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:50 am
by Ravager
Nice. :)
I expect he'll just act like an NPC that defends against any hostile enemies. Maybe he will even use spells to defend himself.
He's not going to have any more dialogue beyond what Bioware/Black Isle expected of him initially though.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 8:25 am
by dj_venom
Last time I played through he survived for me, but I think the dialogue took awhile to react though.

The strange thing was, he just kept following me around the whole place, which, is okay, but when you do detect evil (yes, I actually use that spell :D ) he showed up. Now, this could simply be the many flaws in the evil/good character list, however when you have an evil person following you in a Vampire Den... well I started to think I would be ambushed. Not only did he follow me there, when I left the place, he still followed me and tracked me through the graveyard district. Unable to stand it any longer, I ended his evil life... with no repercussions.

Anyway, I think it's a rare chance of surviving, and judging by my story, one which Bioware doesn't really expect.