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Spells Won't Stick to My Cleric

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 7:50 pm
by rbgribbon
Icewind Dale II, Windows XP Home, Patch 2.01

This is weird. Sometime in the middle of Chapter 4, spells stopped sticking to my human cleric. Haste, Strength, Cat's Grace, Armor of Faith, and other useful spells won't stick, no matter who cats them, the cleric or other party members. No problem appears in the dialogue box. The spell icon appears momentarily and vanishes. Proximity spells (e.g. Aura of Courage) do show up in the list of effects however.

To diagnose the problem, I had the cleric drop all items, clothing, and armor (so weight was zero) to make sure it wasn't an item causing resistance. Spells still would not stick. Then I exported the chracter, and imported the chracter again, picked up the dropped items, and spells started sticking as normal. Untill...

After starting chapter 5, spells stopped sticking again. Has anyone else heard of this? Any ideas?