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Stuck in Chapter2 Aurilite Temple!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:09 am
by vanamoinen
Help! The door that leads to level 2 in the Aurilite Temple of chapter 2 won't unlock -it's the one where there are a lot of Trolls. It keeps telling me it's locked even though I've killed everything and picked up every item in level 1 of the Temple. Does anyone know what I need to do to get that damn door open? Can I use the console to give myself the key or something? I think it's a bug. Thanks for your help guys.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:14 am
by myrophine
I am not sure what door you are referring to. Is it in the same room as the trolls? I don't remember a door there. I do however know of a staircase in the center of the room of trolls that could take you to the next level.

Also there is a hallway near (but not in) the room with the trolls. Along the hallway there is some locked doors. I think one opens SPOILER: with the help of the dais thing that can be rotated but i forget the code. The dais is north of the cells and antimagic area.End black text.


Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:04 pm
by vanamoinen
yes, it's those stairs

Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes, it's exactly those stairs I'm referring to. Except that in my game the stairs are blocked by a locked door in the floor and I don't know how to get them open. I'm thinking they should probably open through an event in the game (maybe like killing the two priestesses or something) or a key you get by killing someone but it didn't on mine. Funny thing is, I can take the painting to go to level 2 by choosing Lysan and I can take the stairs up from there to get back to level 1 but once in level 1 the door is still locked so can't go back down through the same stairs. It's really very annoying! Can anyone help?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:36 pm
by myrophine
I forgot before, but there is a sticky thread dealing with the ice temple. This post should be in the sticky. I don't know why the doors are closed!
