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Divayth Fyr

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:37 am
by Radical Edward
I wanted to get the armor from him, so i saved and decided to kill him. little did i know how freaking hard it was. i couldent do it. GodCheese: How did you kill him? ( ... hp?t=53451)
but now that i know it will screw up the game, im not going to kill him anyways. but how did he get that armor? is there any way for me to get it? (other than downloads)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 6:40 am
by Loredweller
Nope. AFAIK it's alone in the original Morrowind. Console could help, altogether i've got a feeling you you're rather kill a NPC which has helped your hero so mach than use console.
Well, he's suposed to be tough. However, as soon as he's cured the Blight on you, you could kill him. Is it worth, is up to you and your concept about honor, nobility and conscience.
Never could fully understand what's that about items making people wicked and mad.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:12 am
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=Loredweller]Never could fully understand what's that about items making people wicked and mad.[/QUOTE]

I've never really understood that myself..

@Radical Edward, if you are playing on PC I would suggest taking a look at the many armor mods out there.
There are a lot of very nice armor sets, that are, frankly, far more attractive than Daedric. Check out the Summit, and search under armor.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:18 pm
by Radical Edward
wow, i thought i would get a whole lot more responces than this. maybe i will download stuff once there is nothing else to do in the game. but how do i kill this guy? i used the vampiric ring twice on him!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:28 pm
by Loredweller
[QUOTE=Radical Edward]wow, i thought i would get a whole lot more responces than this. maybe i will download stuff once there is nothing else to do in the game. but how do i kill this guy? i used the vampiric ring twice on him![/QUOTE]
You aren't serious.
First play game a bit and do not care that much about what others are wearing. Do you know how much the Daedric armor weigh? Most probably you couldn't wear it anyway just now. Learn the game and in what it's different from others you have known. BTW, pay attentions to side quests and explore all possibilities. Main quest (at least Morrowind's, i do not say for Tribunal or Bloodmoon) is strightforward enough, and you gaind almost nothing finishing it, do not make such haste.
And notice, that the level in MW means virtually nothing save but :
  • gives chance to increase your attributes;
  • game slightly adjusts oponents, the loot and other random items to your level;
In fact attributes (Strength, Intelligence,...., Luck!) and skills matter.
I won't comment your attempt on life of Mr.Fyr - to avoid laughting. Explore the game and you'd find much more powerful items.
And perhaps is worth to go through the forums - here and in other places.
Game is excelent (just require a lot of resource). but i differs from most of games i'd ever known, perhaps the last applies also to you. It took some time to understand it for me, be smarter ;)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:16 pm
by Radical Edward
[QUOTE=Loredweller]You aren't serious.
First play game a bit and do not care that much about what others are wearing. Do you know how much the Daedric armor weigh? Most probably you couldn't wear it anyway just now. Learn the game and in what it's different from others you have known. BTW, pay attentions to side quests and explore all possibilities. Main quest (at least Morrowind's, i do not say for Tribunal or Bloodmoon) is strightforward enough, and you gaind almost nothing finishing it, do not make such haste.
And notice, that the level in MW means virtually nothing save but :
  • gives chance to increase your attributes;
  • game slightly adjusts oponents, the loot and other random items to your level;
In fact attributes (Strength, Intelligence,...., Luck!) and skills matter.
I won't comment your attempt on life of Mr.Fyr - to avoid laughting. Explore the game and you'd find much more powerful items.
And perhaps is worth to go through the forums - here and in other places.
Game is excelent (just require a lot of resource). but i differs from most of games i'd ever known, perhaps the last applies also to you. It took some time to understand it for me, be smarter ;) [/QUOTE]

i didnt really think of the weight. thats one major thing i need to work on, is how much i can carry. other than that though i think im coming along very nicely. But in that horribly fragmented excuse for English, i saw three things that passed in my book as Rude. before you start attempting to insult people, take a few English classes.
now i have learned in my time with these horrible humans that i have to deal with everyday that people do not like to be wrong, or in the wrong, or at fault in any way. so you will no doubt respond to this all upset and try to justify your actions. i really dont care.

to everyone else, Thank you for your help.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:40 pm
by dragon wench

This is very off topic, but given that you seem unable to use upper case letters and apostrophes, and have committed other gramatical errors, I really do not think you are in any position to critisize anyone's English!

Had you taken the time to read Loredweller's location you might have actually noticed that he is not a native speaker. Or, are you so expert in any language you learn that you automatically write it with flawless ease?

As far as any alleged rudeness goes, I might remind you that in terms of etiquette, it is not exactly considered polite here to expect a rush of replies to any thread you begin.


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:54 pm
by Radical Edward
thank you:
[QUOTE=Radical Edward]
so you will no doubt respond to this all upset and try to justify your actions.

I never said he was from the US. and you dont really need capitals for people to understand what your saying. you too suck at english: "are you so expert".
atleast your much better than Loredweller. btw, i could be wrong, shouldent that be LORDweller?

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:27 pm
by fable
Radical Edward, you agreed to the forum rules created by the site owner when you joined GameBanshee. I suggest you re-read Rule #1, because you're breaking it repeatedly.

Of course, you can always show evidence of further immaturity by dissing me, the board, and everyone else, and leaving us. It's been done before. We've survived.

Or you can clean up your act, stop being petty, and both ask and answer questions.

Your choice.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:29 am
by Loredweller
[QUOTE=Radical Edward]Thanks.
i didnt really think of the weight. thats one major thing i need to work on, is how much i can carry. other than that though i think im coming along very nicely. But in that horribly fragmented excuse for English, i saw three things that passed in my book as Rude. before you start attempting to insult people, take a few English classes.
now i have learned in my time with these horrible humans that i have to deal with everyday that people do not like to be wrong, or in the wrong, or at fault in any way. so you will no doubt respond to this all upset and try to justify your actions. i really dont care.

to everyone else, Thank you for your help.[/QUOTE]
Edward, no offence was meant. However, if you're going to attack 65th level Wizard in full (save but Helm) Daedric purposely made very tough (Health, Magicka, Fatigue 999, all attributes 150, no skill under 90, lot of them 99) by Vampiric Ring, what should i think? I'm playing the game since 2002 (or perhaps 2003, couldn't recall when if came to me) and remember well enough what it took to adapt to the game and to understand it (came stright from NWN that time).
My English is not perfect, of course, it's not my native, neither i have any formal education in it (save usual classes in school and University).
My apologies if i'd hurt you in any way.