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Im Dying Here Need Help

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:27 pm
by MorrowindKid
ok... :confused: :confused: :confused:

ive have been searching and searching and trying to figure out how to get Bolvyn to challenge me so i can become the Horator

like what exaclty do you need to be able to challenge him


is there something specific you have to do in order to get "challenge" to appear on the talk screen


all thanks,

Morrowind kid

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:49 pm
by dragonfang22
first of all you have to get all of the other council members to vote for you,then go to him and talk to him about tallvanni horotar and he will challenge you

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 10:00 am
by Greg.
[QUOTE=dragonfang22]first of all you have to get all of the other council members to vote for you,then go to him and talk to him about tallvanni horotar and he will challenge you[/QUOTE]

Redoran surely...

Talk to Sarethi about it first - click advancement and then talk to Venim... if you are going for Grandmaster...

Hortator - get all support then talk to him...

EDIT - he won't fight you then and there... you have to go to the Arena in Vivec...

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:07 pm
by qwertitus
Do you have to fight Bolvyn? I think I remeber reading somewhere that there was a way to become Horator without killing him. I'm not sure though. :confused:

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 3:43 pm
by dragonfang22
[QUOTE=GregtheSleeper]Redoran surely...

Talk to Sarethi about it first - click advancement and then talk to Venim... if you are going for Grandmaster...

Hortator - get all support then talk to him...

EDIT - he won't fight you then and there... you have to go to the Arena in Vivec...[/QUOTE]

srry got them mixed up,at least i got the way you fight him right!!