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Help With Love!!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:47 am
by Seithennin
Hi Guys I hope you can help me
I am currently persuing the love story with Jaheria and have hit a problem, I get to the point where she makes some comment about needing to clean her armour, to which I make the joke/cliche responce and that seems to be it, she doesn't seem to then be interested in my lead character/no more dialouge. I am currently to the point in the game just before I go to fight bhodi and get imoens soul back. Have I done something wrong? Is there anything I can do to get the love story to continue?

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 8:07 pm
by Fenix
There generally has to be like an hour (our hour, not a game hour) between love-talks...I've never romanced Jaheira so I'm not too sure, but if you save the game, then go to Bodhi and see if she takes her then it should be fine (you could keep playing or reload, knowing things are ok).

If Bodhi doesn't steal could be either you haven't had enough talks or indeed your last comment pissed her off too much (but I think that shouldn't be the case).

If you haven't had enough talkes yet (or just want to speed things up) use this CLUAConsole code: SetGlobal("JaheiraRomance","GLOBAL",1).
This will cause the romance timer to expire, causing the next love talk to happen instantly (most of the time - but you have to rest between talks).

Hope that helps.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 6:59 am
by Coot
The Jaheira romance is notoriously buggy. Here is a good tip though: start the game, go to a map where the romance can continue (not a dungeon). Pause the game and leave it like that for an hour. Unpause and the next dialogue should start.
Also, did you download any patches, like [url=""][/url]?

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:31 pm
by Seithennin
Thanks for the pointers, I went for a bit of a combination of the two, leaving it for a while and waiting and then using CLUA when I got bored of waiting!!! lol Thanks for the help