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What level to try for Deathlord
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 2:13 am
by Mordican
I just killed the two Drakes at the armor chest in their area, and was lucky enough to get the Deathlord chest AND the Griffon Shield.
I'm level 14 now. What level is is practical for me to try?
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:49 am
by -:.Eclipse.:-
You have to be more specific, By what lvl, Do you mean character? What Class? Or what lvl armour?. Marauder turns into Deathlord which has the ability of Heavy armour which after a certain amounts of lvls (10 I think?)
You will be able to wear you deathlord chest.
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 8:11 am
by ferncliff
Once you have access to the vale of ruin you can try for death lord class. You might find it a tough fight at your level. If you haven’t gone through Naga temple then you might want to do that first to gain the experience and to improve your weapons. Save after entering the vale and if things go badly then reload and try again.
You may never be able to wear death lord armor. Once you get the death lord class you will have 'heavy armor' skill but you will only have one bonus in it. Death lord armor is the highest level heavy armor in the game and for those reasons it maybe prohibitively expensive to raise your 'heavy armor' skill high enough to avoid penalties. You may get the penalty down to 1 or 2 and decide that you can live with that but to get the last couple of points to completely remove the penalty will cost you several million exp. points. You might be better off using a lower level armor and spending the exp. points somewhere else. If you have a save before you opened the chest in the drake area you can go back and reopen that chest and try for a lower level armor. Crimson armor maybe the highest level heavy armor you can expect to afford. You can find Mythnir Mail in that chest which is medium armor and far more affordable. D
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:51 am
by Mordican
Yes, I have a save. I just hope that ...
Well, it seems silly that the class that the armor is named after would be "unaffordable" to that class... But I HAVE seen sillier things in RPGs
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:54 pm
by Centurion
The Moonbeasts have enough points value to make staying there awhile to pick up the experience and points you want / need worthwile. Run around. Attrtact them. Run back to the altar as needed to regroup. A charging attack works best one on one.
If you have decent armor already / lots of heal potions you'll do okay. Save when you get there. Save periodically to ensure keeping the points. This way, if you die you won't lose all of it when reloading.
Hopefully you've bumped up your vitality also !
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:38 pm
by Mordican
I did level 13 and 14 in Skuldoon killing minotaurs was fast easy exp, they gave me 21k each
I didn't track the moonbeasts when I killed them before, what are they worth?
Vitality is at 65? 150 life atm.
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 3:25 pm
by ferncliff
You can have death lord armor and be a death lord but you need to pick up at least 1 more bonus in 'heavy armor'. Since you went the Budoka route you didn't get any more bonuses.
Yes you can go kill a herd of moonbeast etc to get some exp. points but with only one bonus in 'heavy armor' to wear death lord plate mail without penalty the last 2 points would cost you about 9 million exp. points. So you would need to kill about 300 moonbeast or 425 minotaurs or 50 drakes which would be a tad boring. If you could kill a moonbeast every 2 minutes it would take you about 10 hours to get the points you would need. Plus you are deciding to spend all those exp. points for just a few more armor points. Anyhow these numbers aren't exact but should give you an idea of what you are up against. D
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:42 am
by Allain'45
Don't scarry the guy for nothing !
Just make your last class to something that give hvy armor bonus that will lower the cost in XPs to raise it. You want to be Deathlord...very good!
During the game you have to fight many thousands of ennemies. Have fun
all the way, you don't have to waste 10hrs. at the same place.
First time I completed the game I spent 14 millions of XP points right
before the final combat. Didn't need any improvement for a long time!
(and......I had complete Deathlord kit a long time ago!)
P.S. SaveGame somewhere in a folder, maybe I'll post the character!
Have fun!
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:28 am
by ferncliff
I'm not trying to scare anyone. I don't think you read this thread very carefully. The last class he wants is Deathlord and will give him his one and only heavy armor bonus. I mentioned killing hoards of moonbeast etc because others implied that would solve the problem but it's just not that simple. In my opinion, from having made this very decision , you reach a point of limited return where it just doesn't make sense to spend the experience points to raise a skill when/ if there is some other skill that needs attention. Yes at the end of the game you might have a couple of million exp. points lying around with few places to spend them or you might not. You can finish the game at level 20 or you can finish the game at level 50. If you want to be the ultimate magic user or carry the heaviest armor or carry the heaviest weapons you might want to plan a character that will give you at least 2 if not 3 bonuses in the appropriate skill. That is the point I'm trying to make. Trust me it is a valid point. If you want to buck the restrictions programmed in to the game then one way or another you are going to spend a lot of time fighting the same stuff over and over and over again. D
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 4:32 pm
by Allain'45
Generally speaking, you're right.
For the present case, Mordican will be able to wear his Deathlord Kit without much effort.
Fighter : Gives the Heavy armor
Marauder: Heavy armor bonus
Deathlord: Another Heavy armor bonus
The cost will be considerably reduced.
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:58 pm
by Mordican
Actually, two things of note here.
1) There is no Heavy armor bonus for Marauder.
So I will ONLY get the access and bonus for heavy armor once I complete the Deathlord final quest.
2) I actually gave up on the chest, I DID however get Deathlord Leggings AND a Dragon shield instead, (both well in the realm of "not too unreachably impractical")
Thanks for the feedback all, I finished the first part of my Deathlord quest, so I'm committed now. (or commitable):laugh: