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Someone Help Me!!! =´ (

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:56 pm
by Kwangho
Hey there,...

Here's the problem:I see so many folks and screenshots of bumped and huge chars,with giant muscles and chest...just like The Hulk...anyway,i need to know HOW can i be like that to,cause i only fight with swords,have many points in Strengh, i eat a lot of Red Meat,and beat up those guys in the Fighting Club Ring every time...but all i get is to be slim like a stick,or obese like a ballon... can someone help me?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 12:13 am
by badboyd22
1 way to get uge is by training al strength atributs.. (health toughnes phisical)

another way is to use beserk.. save while in berserk.. if that works fine.. than you should stay in berserk..but no effect of berserk.