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Seeking good quest mods

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Seeking good quest mods

Post by fable »

Per my comments in this thread, I'm seeking good quest mods for another run through of BG2. If you'll check out the end of that thread, you'll see that I've already added Quest Pack 2, Unfinished Business, and Ashes of Embers. Any suggestions compatible with my list, and well-balanced, would be appreciated. :)
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Post by stramoski »

I really enjoyed my latest run through with Virtue (though that's hardly a quest mod).

May I suggest looking at NPC's? Some have very enjoyable quests with them. Keto comes to mind, as does Saerileth. SPOLERS COMING...Saerileth even introduces a third way to Spellhold, although that's not really her quest.

Her quests actually take you to the Northeast Hive (shamelessly ripped from Planescape, Torment) and to the Watcher's Keep, and have a great deal of length and depth.

I think you have to romance her to experience that, but I'm not sure... I'll fish around the CoM forums for an answer to that.

Inasmuch as other pure quest mods are concerned, I'd say you've already got the two winners.
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Post by fable »

I've already indicated an interest in that linked thread to several NPC mods, and I find the idea of "romancing" NPCs more than a bit ridiculous. :) What I'm looking for are balanced quest mods, besides those already mentioned, that can run in tandem. Do you have any suggestions?

And I really, really wish you hadn't told me about Saerileth and Spellhold. Did I ask for hints? I want to find out things like that myself! Is it so hard to put SPOILER in such posts? :mad:
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
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