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How Do I??

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:24 pm
by Gememail
So heres my opening post, I recieved this game about a year ago as a gift from a friend, and in the last month have become hooked, I have been having so much fun. I am on a side quest now that requires me to fly. I have looked in a book that i bought for the game as well as the book that comes with it and can't find or have missed any reference to HOW TO FLY? Can ya help me out here? Thanks Much!!


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:31 pm
by fable
You need Levitate, as a spell you know, a scroll you buy, or a potion you drink. (Well, on an item you can invoke, too, but getting a good one is probably a bit beyond where you are, at this point.) If you have alchemy as a major skill, consider buying the ingredients (coda flower, racer plumes, and trama root together should produce such a potion, and none are that hard to find or too expensive). But it's a good spell to learn, if you have the magicka points.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:33 pm
by JesterKing
Go to the Wolverine Hall mage's guild and talk to the member who sells scrolls. THere is a chance that she will have "Scroll of the Windwalker". If you are lucky enough to be able to buy this, get as many as you can. its the best for levitating.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:45 pm
by fable
Note that scrolls are one use, only. If you actually learn a Levitate spell, you have it whenever you need it. But spell purchase tends to be expensive.

Once you have the spell in mind, you can also get it enchanted into an item. If you have the Enchant ability, you can do this yourself, but an Enchanter in one of the Mage Guilds will always succeed at any enchant they try--so you may want to go that route, despite the cost.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 12:25 pm
by danfal89
[QUOTE=fable]Note that scrolls are one use, only. If you actually learn a Levitate spell, you have it whenever you need it. But spell purchase tends to be expensive.

Once you have the spell in mind, you can also get it enchanted into an item. If you have the Enchant ability, you can do this yourself, but an Enchanter in one of the Mage Guilds will always succeed at any enchant they try--so you may want to go that route, despite the cost.[/QUOTE]

ya the cost is kinda steep but to get over it you should learn a summon spell and get it enchanted to an item(i know the price doing this is kinda big too)
and then go loot a few tombs or buy some soul gems and start soultraping your summoned creatures(preferbly scamps there easy to kill(sorta) and they soulgems of them are worth 6000) after that let the cash roll in (wait did i just make a moneymaking guide O.o oh well still helps for low level people)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:07 pm
by REal953
Well if you go to Vicve (i spelled it wrong) you can go to tempel and there is a black elf on the way there. she will sell you levitate. But if you are there you may want to make a offering to the shrine there you can levitate for i think half a day.