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Party of Eight!?!
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:27 pm
by Philos
Well, I just had an interesting thing happen. It "thought" that everywhere I read about party size it said you could only have 7 in your party. I now have a party of 8 in my newest venture. I started this group with 5 PCs and added Spugnoir (I like having a second mage, he only takes scrolls, and I have an easy way to get them back now) and Melany (really wanted to have a druid). On a random encounter between Hommlett and the Moathouse we ran into Zaxis the Bard. On a lark I told him I'd like to have him join the party. Presto, an 8th protrait fills the gap in at the bottom of the screen and I now have a party of eight. The game hasn't crashed, and I can use him just like any other NPC.
Did I miss something somewhere? Is this a bug or is this a safeguard from ditching an NPC in a non-recoverable area?
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:58 am
by Belthan
party size
I think you can always have a party of 8 (5 PCs & 3 NPCs) if you're willing to live with the XP dilution. At least I don't get the "I'd love to take you but my party is full" dialog options until I have 8 in the party. I'm playing Co8 though, so I don't know if this is true if you're playing unpatched or just the official patches.
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:11 am
by Allyx
8 PC's - 0 NPC's
With the new Co8 4.0.0 patch you can have 8 PC's in the group, give them thier starting equipment at the new shop map caravan, before starting your adventure, (and with the 4.0.1 patch) summon your familiars to fight for you. Not too mention more dialogue fixes, fixed and new quests, fixed and new (high level) spells, and a whole lot more besides.
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 11:02 am
by Lord Plothos
[QUOTE=Philos]Well, I just had an interesting thing happen. It "thought" that everywhere I read about party size it said you could only have 7 in your party. I now have a party of 8 in my newest venture. I started this group with 5 PCs and added Spugnoir (I like having a second mage, he only takes scrolls, and I have an easy way to get them back now) and Melany (really wanted to have a druid). On a random encounter between Hommlett and the Moathouse we ran into Zaxis the Bard. On a lark I told him I'd like to have him join the party. Presto, an 8th protrait fills the gap in at the bottom of the screen and I now have a party of eight. The game hasn't crashed, and I can use him just like any other NPC.
Did I miss something somewhere? Is this a bug or is this a safeguard from ditching an NPC in a non-recoverable area?[/QUOTE]I think a while back there were warnings not to take too many NPCs and to always have a spot open so you could add members to your group to complete quests and such. The Fruella quest I think can't be completed, and I believe to rescue Paida and Thrommel they have to be in your party, so people recommended not exceeding 7 party members. Anyway, I think that's what you're recollecting, but I may be wrong.