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Single Player Character ---> Multiplayer ?

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:24 pm
by Bunker
Here's my situation: I made a character that I've been playing with someone else over LAN. We pulled a good shift in terms of gameplay so far, then I realized that my guy is completely screwed in terms of what I wanted to make him. So I went ahead and fired up single player and "acquired" another character of nearly the exact same progress sans the mess ups.

I've been fiddling around with finding some way to get him into that game, but I have no idea what else to do. I don't know how to manipulate the client-side character (the "load saved character" dealy), but if theres a way to do that then I guess I could get it to work.

Basically I need to transport a single player character into a multiplayer game, and am completely out of ideas.

Any suggestions on how to get my single player character into the load saved character thing? Or any other ways to do it. Someone tell me that theres some file, somewhere, that can just be replaced...


Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:57 pm
by Bunker
Now how do I become a Samurai?

After what seems like an eternity of trial and error, I finally got it to work. Gotta love the fact that now that I know how to do it, it seems sooooo easy. :mad:

If anyone reads this they can still help me out though. How exactly do you become a Samurai? The way the website explains it confuses me a bit, and I'm looking for some clarification (before I mess it all up again! :laugh: )

Edit: More specifically, here's the plan. I started out rogue, and joined up with the fighter's guild (the quest isnt complete yet). After I finished up the tier 1 fighter's guild quest, do I go to ANY Eastern trainer or is it specific in terms of dragon/tiger.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 9:02 pm
by swcarter
You have to complete the quest for the Eastern House in Arindale, and you have to complete your initiation into the fighter's guild. At that point, either Eastern House should offer you the quest to become a samurai.


Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:42 am
by skullzero
char thingy

i blelive all u have to do is make yuor other char save him on sp then on muti play load the save then hit load char yuor cahr shuld be there

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:59 pm
by Bunker
[QUOTE=skullzero]i blelive all u have to do is make yuor other char save him on sp then on muti play load the save then hit load char yuor cahr shuld be there[/QUOTE]

Negative, soldier. That wont work, and here's why.

Here's what I figured out. This "load character", which refers to the character that will be loaded when the option is selected when going into a game, is made everytime your client connects to another. So, for example, if I were to host a game, my "load character" would not change no matter how many times I hosted it. However, if I were to join a server and used either a character already in the save game or created a new one, it would then take the place of my current "load character." The instant the server loads the game, this "load character" slot is replaced with what you chose to play with, be it a level 20 character existing in the saved game or a brand new one you just created. Therefore, in order to play a single player character on a multiplayer game, you must manipulate this "load character" slot. Here's how I did it.

I made my character and saved it to a single player save game. Then I transferred the save file to another computer and had that computer host the saved game. When I connected to the computer, I chose the single player character I had created and had the server computer create a brand new character. I saved the game for good measure, but after some playing around I dont think it was necessary. Because I had chosen the pre-made character and was not acting as the host of the game, that character took its place in my "load character" slot. After that, it was just a matter of having the other computer host our old saved game and me choosing to load up my "load character" instead of the one that was saved in the game (which was bunk because I messed up his classes).

A bit confusing, but all the gray is taken out after comprehension. Hope this ends up helping someone else, because I spent a long time with trying everything I could think of until I did this. I just hope someone doesn't tell me theres an easier way to do it, but after trying all that I had I would not think so.


Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:58 pm
by InDoMiNaE
His way does work in version 1.4. The muliplayer screen in 1.4 has the options to load your last SP character, last MP character, or last NEW created character.
You must be using 1.3?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:41 pm
by Bunker
[QUOTE=InDoMiNaE]His way does work in version 1.4. The muliplayer screen in 1.4 has the options to load your last SP character, last MP character, or last NEW created character.
You must be using 1.3?

Damnit. I did all this in 1.3, but at the same time I was trying to find a way to transfer the character I stumbled upon this forum and the news about 1.4. So basically immediately after I did my way of transferring I also updated the game. What a waste of figuring stuff out. :o

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:35 pm
by darkkken
[QUOTE=Bunker]Negative, soldier. That wont work, and here's why.

Here's what I figured out. This "load character", which refers to the character that will be loaded when the option is selected when going into a game, is made everytime your client connects to another. So, for example, if I were to host a game, my "load character" would not change no matter how many times I hosted it. However, if I were to join a server and used either a character already in the save game or created a new one, it would then take the place of my current "load character." The instant the server loads the game, this "load character" slot is replaced with what you chose to play with, be it a level 20 character existing in the saved game or a brand new one you just created. Therefore, in order to play a single player character on a multiplayer game, you must manipulate this "load character" slot. Here's how I did it.

I made my character and saved it to a single player save game. Then I transferred the save file to another computer and had that computer host the saved game. When I connected to the computer, I chose the single player character I had created and had the server computer create a brand new character. I saved the game for good measure, but after some playing around I dont think it was necessary. Because I had chosen the pre-made character and was not acting as the host of the game, that character took its place in my "load character" slot. After that, it was just a matter of having the other computer host our old saved game and me choosing to load up my "load character" instead of the one that was saved in the game (which was bunk because I messed up his classes).

A bit confusing, but all the gray is taken out after comprehension. Hope this ends up helping someone else, because I spent a long time with trying everything I could think of until I did this. I just hope someone doesn't tell me theres an easier way to do it, but after trying all that I had I would not think so.


could you clarify this a bit for us partial comp illiterates out here - it sounds good but i can't unravel what u r saying TIA for any help :D