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how do i get the toee front-end program to work
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:03 pm
by Lord_maximus
i have already beaten the game, but not with co8 mod installed. now that i have installed it it came with this other program called "toee front-end" and i was wondering if anyone knew how to get it to work. it said that i had to have a file called mscoree.dll. so i downloaded that file and installed it where it was supposed to go but now it is telling me i have to change something in my registry but it does not tell me how. another problem i am having is the co8 mod did not change anything in the game as far as i can see. if anyone has any suggestions or answers to my problem i am open for them.
thanks in advance
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:23 am
by Lord Plothos
I'm unsure about the .dll you mentioned, as I haven't messed with the co8 mod, but I do know that to run the version with front-end, you have to run an .exe called toeefe.exe. I believe it should be somewhere in your game's main directory. This program allows you to set what patch and mod configuration you want. The default setup (as in, how the game's running if you don't alter it via toeefe.exe) is unmodded and unpatched, so you'll have to run toeefe.exe at least once to see any changes. I believe that after you run it once it'll retain that setup until changed, so afterwards you can just run toee.exe and you'll be fine. Then just run front end if you want to change things. Hope that helps.
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:45 pm
by Lord_maximus
i do not have the toeefe.exe anywhere on my computer, but i do have a an application program that is called "templefrontend". now when i try to start that application it tells me this:
Please set registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\InstallRoot to point to the .NET Framework install location.
now normally i wouldnt be this stressed out about this because i work on computers but i have never had one tell me something like that before. i know it has something to do with my registry but i have not seen anything in my registry that resembles that kind of notification. if you have any ideas or know of anyone that might have an idea please let me know im all open for it.
thanks for the first response,
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:12 am
by Lord Plothos
Well, again, I haven't used co8, so I'm fuzzy on some of the specifics. I believe, but am not sure, that you need to install atari patch 2 before co8 4.0. There's always the uninstall, clean reinstall thing to try. (Wouldn't hurt to redownload the patch.) I believe some patches also have trouble if the game is installed in any location other than the default: ...program files/atari/temple of elemental evil (IIRC).
Beyond that, you should probably check with the guys who have authored co8. That is, visit the forum at They're very helpful, though often their advice can be highly technical, but if you work with computers and are having a complex problem like this, that's probably a good thing. Best of luck.
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:05 pm
by Lord_maximus
problems solved....
i finally figuered out what i needed on my computer and you may want to keep this in mind if you find anyone else who might have this problem in the future. the the toee front-end was made using .NET Framework and so you have to have ,NET Framework on your computer. if you dont have that on your computer then the program will not work because your computer will not know how to read it. i spent 9 hours last night figureing this stuff out. now my new problem is when i load the game i get all the way up to where i can create characters and add\remove characters from my party but when i go to start my adventure it starts to run the game but then quickly shuts down and kicks me back out to the desktop. i dont know i think i will try the co8 web page. maybe someone there might have the same problem as me and may know how to fix it. if you have and technical questions about .NET Framework that you might need answered or anyone else might need answered let me know here or my email address is
thanks for all the help.