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Minas Taw/Sir Falen/Fighters Guild

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:49 pm
by mysticknight182
I'm trying to complete the second guild quest for the Fighters Guild to add a third tier class to my character. I'm supposed to kill Minaw Taw and rescue Sir Falen from him.... where can I find them?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:41 pm
by Dread-TheUndead

Did u look at the walktrough ? its writen there:

"To become a Deathlord, one must first ascend into the Marauder role. Once you have, the guild will ask you to defeat a Demigoth slaver named Minas Taw to secure the release of a noble knight named Sir Falen. Track down Minas Taw along the Southern Boulders border in the Forbidden Lands, defeat him, release the knight, then return to the Guild of Fighters for another quest.

This time, the guild will ask you to defeat an evil Deathlord by the name of General Trajek. Travel to the Vale of Ruin to find Trajek, defeat him and his small army, then return to the Guild of Fighters once more to ascend into the Deathlord role.

To look at the world map u can go to: ... rldmap.php

and click on the map to make it big.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 4:36 pm
by swcarter
It's probably better to look [url=""]here[/url].