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A weird thing

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:00 pm
by Dread-TheUndead
On my first character i like skilled all my skills as usuall, my light attack weapons skill was lvl 5 (was a noob char :D ) and it cost like 30k to go over to 6 (not that this is much...).
The weird thing started after that - suddenly looked at it and it costed me 3k to get to lvl 6 !!!
Also same thing was with traps - locating and opening...
The locating traps costed me 1XXk and the Opening was 2XXk and suddenly they went down to 50k and 100k... someone knows why and when does this weird things happend ? (no.... it wasn't intelegience coss i didn't lvl it at that time... :D ).

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:47 pm
by swcarter
Classes give learning bonuses, so when you gain a new class, you should notice some skill costs dropping way down.


Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:49 pm
by Bunker
I've noticed the exact same thing. It's weird. It will go down as you fight. I just trained level 11 light weapons for 505 adv points, and the next level costs 14k until I wait until it drops down again.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:21 am
by Dread-TheUndead
O Well...

Thx guys :D

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 3:04 pm
by The Master
I'll confirm that practicing certain skills lowers the cost of raising them. I don't know if this works for all skills, but I've noticed that weapons skills at least go down slightly after a round of combat. Didn't touch intelligence and didn't get any new classes (I'm still in the fargrove sewers with this character).


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:09 am
by tomurph
maybe totally different

This maybe totally different but had a mage that I was having trouble with. First thought it was just me because hadn't played the game for awhile and hadn't kept track of what needed to be upped, but when I finally did get the trick with troll in Fargorn for 50,000 and boosted everything str, int, vit, etc, to 10 at least ( had had the int at 8 shows you how much experience (as in how much I've played this game I'm a rookie) I've had), then I thought I might be on the right track was at lvl 6. But about an hour later checked the character to see how much experience was need for lvl. 7, and all but the int. which was at 2 and vit which was 4 was at 1???!!! Can anyone explain this!!!! Anything I could think of was the use of the R key, kind of "disease" but nothing has come back. Did just download the 1.3 patch but this was after I noticed the losses. If anyone knows what could of caused this would appreciated any info.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:40 am
by ferncliff
In the game learning bonuses, as swcarter explained, and increasing your intelligence lowers skill cost. Using a skill doesn't lower its cost.

tomurph, yes when you die and revive yourself you lose a skill point unless you use a resurrect scroll or the celestial crystal of life. In either case you lose all the exp. points you have saved but with patch 1.3 or lower you can spend your exp. points while dead. D

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:22 pm
by tomurph

knew there had to be a chatch to the "R"! Oh well have one or two saves where I still have a somewhat decent character.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:02 pm
by Spheric
Actually, using a skill does lower its cost sometimes. But not always. I haven't gone to the trouble of figuring out exactly how this works, but I can give some input.

The first character I created was a male Thrall (Rouge, Mage, Trickster, Battlemage, Cabalist), and I never noticed any lessening of skill costs (I wasn't looking for them, though, so I may just not have noticed). I played him under version 1.3.

I created a second character under 1.3, a female Elf Fighter. She happened to find an Elven Sword (light weapon) in the first chest by the campfire when you start the game and I had made sure to drop some xp in light weapons when I created her, so she had no problem using it. She wandered around happily slaying monsters with it for a couple of levels and when I went back to assign the xp she had gained, I noticed that I only needed 13 points to raise light weapons to the next level. I used the xp on other things (intelligence is soooo important, don't ya think?). She killed a few more monsters and riffraff and her level for light weapons automatically increased by one!

She experimented with a Short Sword that one of the riffraff had left lying on the ground, and there was no decrease in xp for light weapons. She went back to using the Elven Sword and the xp went steadily down, from about 1-5 points per monster. I assumed it was because she was an Elf using an Evish blade. When I got to the sewers, I tried the same thing with a Short Bow and an Elven Short Bow. I got the same results, no decrease in archery xp with the Short Bow, but a decrease with each monster hit when using the Elvish bow. I also got a decrease in light pole weapons using an Elven Spear.

I stopped her in the middle of battles a few times to check, and discovered that the decrease occurs with each hit and not when the monster dies. I did not discover a pattern to the amount of xp deducted, but it appeared that the more damage the hit did, the more xp was deducted. That may not have been the actual case.

So...later I upgraded to version 1.4 to continue playing this character. She is now a Fighter, Rouge, Samurai, Enchantress, War Witch (she rocks, by the way) and is usually carrying a Katana of the Sun and a Kama of the Void in her offhand. She continues to gain levels in light weapons, even though the light weapon is in her offhand and is not Elvish, but Eastern. She is a Samurai, though, so maybe...

Anyway, not much, but that is what I know about the use of weapons decreasing the xp needed to advance. Anybody know how this really works?

Peace and Love,
