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What is your fav. expansion SPOILER

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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What is your fav. expansion SPOILER

Post by SupaCat »

The title says it. Tribunal or bloodmoon. For me its bloodmoon. Why? In tribunal you were must of the time walking in sewers and at the end you could go to the clockcity, just for short while. Dont get me wrong I loved it...but bloodmoon more because of the wolfs, who live in tribes. And the goblins on piggies who hunt in group. The cool tribes!!! The awsome icecastle!!! THE ITEMS!!! And ofcourse its much bigger than tribunal. :rolleyes:

Which one was the best according to you? Answer and please tell us why.
Ps:if there is a topic like this one, sorry.:angel:
And again... Ps:sorry for my mistakes, if any, feel free to tell me about them. :)
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Post by ch85us2001 »

I liked the bloodmoon expansion better, mainly for its variety. Tribunal, for me, was just another city in Morrowind, while Solstheim was another animal.

You should add a poll using the 'thread tools' option. :)
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Post by fable »

Sorry, but I really don't see a need for a thread like this. If you care to check the review summary sites, they'll show you that Bloodmoon was compared without exception favorably to Tribunal, and a simple summary of the features between the two makes the differences of quality obvious, too. :)

Thread closed.

Now, if you want to discuss favorites mod... ;)
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