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Battle Arena (don't read if you don't want to know the plot!)
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 2:32 pm
by Kadaver
I'm at the battle arena now, i find it kinda hard but, after getting through 4 rounds i'm stuck with the 5th. So is it really nescesarry to complete it, or can you just walk away and begin a new quest and live hapilly ever after?
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:04 pm
by swcarter
You have to complete it. It's a required quest.
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 5:47 pm
by lonewolf13
Hhmm stuck in the arena. I don't remember which one round five is but I'm pretty sure there are a few more rounds after that, and they don't get any easier. I'd suggest you level up somemore and get some better equipment before taking on the arena.
I do offer one piece of advice for the arena and other hard parts of the game.
When all else fails try brute force.
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 6:15 pm
by Matt9148
[QUOTE=lonewolf13]When all else fails try brute force.[/QUOTE]
I agree, nothing better than smashing a rock troll with my Ronok the Axe in lvl 3 beserk mode... Or slashing at undead...
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 7:26 am
by MightyBeldin
Round 5: Black Hand Gang Bandits
There are 3 options to beating them:
A) Will-user
Let them surround you and use your most powerful AoE spell. (ie: Divine Fury, Enflame, etc.) If you use force push, immediately use fireball afterwards. Its like shooting fish in a barrel.
B) Archer
Stand behind one on the spinning blades the pops out of the arena floor and aim for head shots. The blades will help prevent you from being surrounded because the bandits always seem to go for a head-on attack.
C) Melee
Big Weapon + Berserk (optional) = Lotsa a fun
Just run in with your, by now, famous battle cry (ie: "WHERE ARE MY BROWN PANTS?") and beat the snot outta them. Be sure to target thier crossbowmen 1st because you'll rarly expect thier attacks and they seem to come at the worst time.
I really hope this helps.
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:52 am
by Halogod
Round 5: Bandits
I feel it is best to put on physical shield and then use level 4 Divine fury or any other AoE spell. But by chance you are a terrible mage hide behind the spinning trap and range them. (Berserker always helps)
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:54 am
by Halogod
I feel it is best to put on physical shield and then use level 4 Divine fury or any other AoE spell. But by chance you are a terrible mage hide behind the spinning trap and range them. (Berserker always helps)and if you want some good equipment try stealing from the shop outside, to do this just get everyone in the arena drunnk (it is possible to get full dark chainmail which is alright for the arena).
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:08 am
by LordXeper
Multi arrow + physical shield + a good bow is the best.
I normally get 50+ CM at the end of the arena without every being hurt.
Easy peasy.