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The Sheriff.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:02 am
by Evrae
I dunno if this has been asked before, but I've just been wondering. Does anybody know what clan the Sheriff belongs to because I've got no idea, I mean he uses Animalism in the tutorial to summon a spectral wolf, as well as dissolving a few sabbat with an outstretched palm (Although I think that might be pestilence, not sure). And he's got the particularly annoying discipline of teleporting behind you to smack you with his giant sword and later he turns into the behemoth. I was thinking along the lines of some kind of Gangrel at first due to the Animalism and turning into the behemoth looks like Protean, but I've never heard of a teleporting Gangrel. So I'm just wondering what clan combines all those skills because I can't work it out. Hope someone can enlighten me.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:11 am
by Jonus
I would say the teleporation does seem to throw me off, unless they are trying to illustrate the high level of celerity in which he possesses. I know that if they are trying to incorporate some aspects of the RPG, then it is possible the Sheriff has out-of-clan disciplines that were taught to him, in which case, I feel his core clan is Gangrel, with teaching of others as he as evolved.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:23 pm
by Lucita
He should be a Gangrel, his "teleportation" is either a very high level of standard Celerity ( 6 or 7 for example ), so for your character's untrained eyes it looks like he teleports, or he has mastered Celerity and gotten a special discipline power ( as allowed by the Pen/Paper RPG ), that allows him to teleport short distances. Again this would mean Celerity Level 6 or 7, which would make him at least a 7th generation kainite.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:36 pm
by ektoplasma
But what about that jumping and exploding thing he does?
I always figured he was caitiff, some sort of undefined mix, like.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:43 pm
by Evrae
Well that does make a lot more sense if you incorporate some of the pen and paper aspects of the game into it, so I guess it's most likely he's a gangrel. Although I think Smiling Jack put it best when he said 'It's like somebody embraced an ugly gorilla.'

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:57 pm
by Confuzzled
If I remember a previous thread correctly, it was suggested he could be a minor, largely unknown, African bloodline. The strange forehead (and sheer size actually!) may indicate vicissitude as a discipline too. Of course diablerie is an option too.

Actually I think part the point about the sheriff (especially in relation to La Croix's position) is that the sheriff is an unknown quantity to most kindred. Unknown quantities can make you dead. Or in a vampire's case, more dead. That gives La Croix a real advantage in power politics. Let's face it, unless you read walkthroughs in advance, did the sheriff's abilities shock you a little? I think that's the point. If people do not know what the sheriff can do (and Jack's remarks make it seem they do not) then would you want to come up against him? And if the Nosferatu haven't found out about him and put the information on the market, he seems that little bit more worrying: kindred who might find something out don't report back...

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:05 pm
by pennypincher
I can only speak from a strictly Role Playing Book point of view on this, because... As is very clear... Not enough information is known about the sherif to make a judgment call based on the game itself. However, here I go none the less:

The rare Affrican bloodline in question is, aside from "Mostly extinct", a peaceful, self exploring bloodline concerned mainly with controling their own beasts and seeking a better understanding of the self from doing so. They don't posses Protean, if I remember correctly, but instead have their own power that revolves around controling their beasts and the beasts of others... It might be Animalism they don't have, but I doubt it.

The Sherif displays obvious uses of only two discplines, Animalism and Vicissitude. These are two discplines it's hard/impossable to deny he has (The feral wolf summoning, the CM form at the end). He also shows a possable use of one or more of the following:

Potence (Leaping into the air and smashing the gronud with such force)
Celerity (Moving behind you with lightning speed?)
Culdonism (Teleportation?)
Fortitude (He... Wont... Die!!)
Thurmaturgy. (Teleportation?)

It is VERY likley that, working as a sherif, he has acess to Potence, Celerity and Fortitude. It is disgustingly unlikley he has acess to ANY form of Thurmaturgy. Culdonism would support the suggestion that he might be Tzimisce. Generaly, however, Culd and Thur both require focus and willpower... The kind of focus that isn't indicitive of the heat of combat. It be a pre-prepared ritual in use, but that would beg the question "Why not use more??".

In my mind, the thing that swings my opinion towards a rogue Tzimisce the most is the CM form he uses at the end. Thats a level 7 power... Which just can not be explained through "Drank Tzimisce blood and gained Vicissitude"... It's an elder power that really needs a teacher and can't be just... Learnt off the top of your head.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:06 pm
by Lucita
You could check on the "Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom" sourcebook for the last edition Vampire RPG ( probably still available in a good RPG store ). I think they had some weird Gangrel/Tzimisce bloodlines in it too.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 12:20 am
by Raa
I wouldn't say he uses Celerity. If you can see someone with Celerity 4 whooshing around, couldn't you also see him moving around the same way using Celerity 6 or 7, if you have Celerity 4 or 5?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:43 pm
by pennypincher
Well, the Celerity thing depends.

After level 5 of a Discpline, things get very odd. Levels 6-9 are often more then one power, and most of them aren't powers in the usual vein of the discpline itself... For example, with higher levels of celerity, one power lets you throw an object so fast that it counts as more then one object (As many objects as you devote celerity actions to it)... And what's worse is, people are encouraged to create their own powers at these levels... After all, Elder vampires are THE power on earth in this regard.

To that end, it isn't at all impossable that the Sherif has some kind of power that lets him spend some blood and use a full action to instantly move himself behind a target in a blurr that's impossable to follow.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:59 pm
by Lucita
Yep....A level 7 power can be quite awesome. He might be so fast as the blink of an eye, which means it would look like a teleportation on short distances.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:55 am
by MalaksBane
Wouldn't a level 7 power make him a vampire of a somewhat too low generation for this game? Wouldn't he be near invincible to your 8th+ pc?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:02 am
by Lucita
A level 7 discipline would make him a 6th generation Kainite, possible but unlikely in the "normal" setting. Such a Kainite would never serf as a sheriff for our little french Jester prince ( who might be of the 10th or 9th generation at most ).

Beckett btw is of the 7th Generation. Jack is 10th generation.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:59 pm
by pennypincher
Yeah, given the generation required it would make the Sherif being beaten by your character a-kin to a Gummie-bear achiving victory in battle over an ants nest... However, that being said, the gain also insinuates that Caine might be a cab driver, your ability to dominate and be dominated by the prince alters during the corse of the game and there's a teleporting vampire hunter with a sniper rifle...

Suffice to say, the only 2 options in my memory for a vampire to be, or appear to be... Or for all intent and purpose be... A giant man-bat of screeching doom is Vicissitude and Chemistry.

Hmm... Think the Sherif might be a Ravnos having a joke at everyones expense?? Heck, this entier event might not have happened if he is!

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:24 am
by MalaksBane
You mean he might be that Ravnos?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:13 pm
by pennypincher
Which Ravnos?

It wouldn't be that hard for any well trained and cunning Ravnos to convince a Neonate that all these things were happening. I mean, everywhere you go people are suprised to see you... So they all shout "Hey!" and shoot at you... There might be no Tung, he could have been nothing more then an illusion, club Ayslum might have been a burnt out old empty building with a working dumb waiter... Maybe it was all a Ravnos using you to get what he wanted... Lets see, what things did you get and jobs did you perform that are worth LOTS of money on the Vampire Market that could have easily have been instructions entierly made in your own mind?

Werewolf Blood!
Blew up a warehouse.
Took out local gang members.
Freed up local real-estate.
Reduced or increased the standing of local Kindred.
Desposed a Prince.
Retrived valuable Tremere Secrets.
Destoryed an art display.

Heck, if I was a Ravnos, and I'd found a sucker like you... I would latch on and suck for everything my unlife was worth!! One little illusion of a Prince here, one little Nosferatue there, a club and a bar, maybe a few emails... Hey presto, your killing my enemies, sewing chaos, removing rival gangs, mailing me Werewolf blood and artifacts, increasing my infulence, removing Camerilla and Sabbat contested kine... Allowing me to sell them their own people back at a massive inflated rate... Heck it's like all my X-mas's!

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:26 am
by MalaksBane
He, it all is an illusion ... tiny pixels on some surface. :P

To what purpose? Conjure up dozens of illusions to achieve what? Assasinate the Prince? Then he is real and so are most (all) interactions with him (you wouldn't get that far into the Tower otherwise).

It could be a bit tricky, even for a Ravnos, to maintain all these illusions in all our our minds, even I don't know them all... one of us would be missed at some point.

But, yeah, well, everything could be an illusion, as always.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:44 pm
by pennypincher
[QUOTE=MalaksBane]He, it all is an illusion ... tiny pixels on some surface. :P

To what purpose? Conjure up dozens of illusions to achieve what? Assasinate the Prince? Then he is real and so are most (all) interactions with him (you wouldn't get that far into the Tower otherwise).

It could be a bit tricky, even for a Ravnos, to maintain all these illusions in all our our minds, even I don't know them all... one of us would be missed at some point.

But, yeah, well, everything could be an illusion, as always.[/QUOTE]

Well, I gave a LOT of reasons a Ravnos could do all this. There is a lot of money and power involved in this whole game that, if one person was running you around at a whim, could easily be snatched up in your wake.

True, it could be a bit tricky keeping track of everything, but when you are dealing with someone who'ves been a Vampire for all of 15 mins, it isn't that hard to explain away things.

"Thats a vampire power"
"That comes with being an acient one"
"All vampires eventualy turn into lawn chairs"

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:01 pm
by Evrae
Wow, alot of great ideas about the Sheriff. All the different bloodline links and I especially like the idea that the entire game is a Ravnos induced hallucination =D But it seems that the answer to the Sheriff's clan is a difficult one to answer; I haven't seen any official answers anywhere so if people have anymore ideas about his origin, keep 'em coming.

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 10:32 pm
by Raa
Anyway, to sum up - if the happennings in the game really occur as shown, and Sheriff had Chimestry or Celerity-7, our character would be dead before we would even notice there IS Sheriff to fight with :)