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How can I start jedi at a lower level?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:55 pm
by SpazHairlip
*Possible Spoiler* How can I start jedi at a lower level?

Ok, all the other jedi in my party are level 20. But my toon is level 12 jedi and level 8 soldier. I know that it adds up to level 20 and my stats look like the other jedi, but why can't I go up to level 20 as a jedi? You'd think that being the dark lord of the sith my level would be a bit higher.

If I started the game over and just opted never to level until I was on dantooine could I start out with a level 1 soldier and get 19 jedi levels? What is the lowest level I can start to be a jedi on? What would happen if I just never leveled until I got to dantooine and was accepted as a jedi? Is it even worth it to do that? What do you think the best level combo is for soldier/guardian? Any tips for levels and such?


Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:03 pm
by Obi-Wan-Evan
Hi and welcome to the fourms. Anyways, yes you can choose not to level up until you reach Dantooine and become a jedi. I have never done it but I would imagine it would be difficult. So when/if you start a new file you can do that if you want, it would probally be worth it seeing as you could get all the jedi powers you wanted. By the way this should probally have a spoiler tag in the thread name.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:37 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Personally, I would just go to level five and stop yourself there. otherwise, too many battles in the game have the chance to destroy your two other characters with you.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 12:35 am
by Sabre
You are forced to levelup on the Endar Spire, before you can open the door out of the Bridge. So the best you can do is 18 Jedi levels, but this will make several of the quests on Taris very difficult for your character.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:13 am
by mr_sir
i usually get up to level 6 and leave levelling up from then on until i am jedi. level 14 jedi is pretty powerful with a lot of powers and 6 levels on taris make it able to do everything on taris without too much hassle. in kotor1 your character no longer can use the force til they decided to train them so its impossible to have 20 levels of jedi. the best you can hope for is 18, but going through taris at level2 would make it very difficult at times, especially the main battles on taris as you do not get jedi support from bastila til after most of the main confrontations so its just you and carth, and mission and zaalbar after a while, for most of it. while they are good support, i don't honestly think they would be able to do everything while your character stands back and watches and if they did go down then it wouldn't take long for a lot of the bad guys to kill a level 2 character.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:37 am
by SpazHairlip
Well I finished last night as a 8/12 and I'd have to say it was pretty easy (on high difficulty). Through out the game I never really used med packs so I had hundreds for the fight with Mallak. I just paused the game and healed up every time he stopped fighting me to do his life drain thing.

I was 100 light side too. I'm going to start again tonight and stop at level 2 till I get to Dantooine and see how it goes. I'm also gonna be super duper evil. I'll let you know how I make out.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:08 pm
by blueteam
I'm doing 2/18 on my current game & it's not hard.......

I didn't have any trouble on taris at all except for one part

It took me a couple trys to kill Gadon that's the only trouble i had on Taris at all.
other than that i'd say go for's helpful, you get more Force powers.


Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:43 am
by mr_sir
did you do all the extra little bits like the deathfight for the bounty hunting? that is quite hard at level 4 so i imagine it would be really hard at level 2

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 11:11 am
by KyLewin
Some spoilers if you haven't finished Taris

Finishing Taris without leveling up isn't really all that difficult (You're character won't die if an enemy breaths on him or her, though it can feel that way sometimes) so long as you use a bit more strategy than the rest of the game generally requires.

When your in the UnderCity and the Sewers, you can avoid getting killed by sending Mission ahead (while she's using stealth) and to get one or two enemies to chase her. Then she just has to run back towards the PC and Carth who can use their blasters to pick off the enemies before they catch her or switch targets (actually it will be Carth who kills them, the PC will usually just fire wildly at the ground, walls, and ceiling). Once you have Zaalbar, the PC takes Missions place as the bait because Zaalbar and Carth are much more effective at taking out your enemies.

With the Dueling ring, obviously you can't use that tactic as your all by you're lonesome against people who can generally kill you fairly easily (especially if you're a scoundrel like I was). You'll probably want to wait until you've at least gone through the Vulkar base for this quest, maybe even all the way through the swoop race, so you have some shields and some decent weapons. Dead-eye is a joke, so you don't need to worry about him, but against Two-fingers, you'll probably need to at least use a shield to block his blaster fire. Ice can be kind of tough, because she uses both ranged and melee attacks, but if you use shields to escape from her blaster fire and run away if she comes after you with a vibroblade, she shouldn't be too much trouble. Against Marl you will absolutely have to make like a coward and run away. Once you get a bit of space, turn around, fire ONCE, and then run again if you're really brave, you can put a mine down and run, but it's dangerous. It takes a while, but eventually he'll go down. With Twitch and Bendak, you need to save often during the fight. I don't remember exactly what I did with Twitch, but I imagine it had something to do with using a shield and throwing frag grendades at him. Against Bendak you need to run early (because he throws grenades) and then throw concussion grenades at him (save before you throw them so you make sure that each one knocks him out) and then throw frag grenades (my character could never hit the broad side of a barn, I'm not going to trust him to hit a stunned Mandalorian).

The only other real troubles would come from the Sith Governor, Brejik, and maybe Davik. Brejik won't be any trouble if you just leave him (and most of his cronies) to Bastila since she can't be killed or even hurt as near as I can tell (it was kind of funny to argue over who saved who later since she killed all of the bad guys while I ran away and hid). The Sith Governor will require you to rely very heavily on your two strongest party members (I tend to go with Zaalbar and Bastila), but again, you should be okay, just save before you fight him. With Davik you need to remember that you don't have to beat Calo, so focus everyone in on Davik and have the PC hang back since he or she will just be killed if he/she tries to do any upclose fighting.

Basically, if you save before and after every conflict (and sometimes after every successful attack you land), you should be okay. If you feel like that's too close to cheating for you, you'll probably not be able to make it through all of the sidequests and might want to just level up once or twice.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:26 am
by SpazHairlip
I finished Taris at level 2 and didn't have any issues with themain quest bad guys cause I used either Carth, Zalbaar or Bastila for everything. I didn't do the final arena guys though.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:16 am
by MalaksBane
Going for the extreme 2/18 level distribution may not be all that usefull. Feats, Force Powers and other levelup improvements aren't equally spread out over the levels and it might be that a, for example, a 5/15 distribution yields a better character. The tables at the and of the manual should provide some insight.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:32 am
by virpyre
2/18 isn't that hard if you pick a Soldier, if you pick Rogue it's alittle tougher, if you pick a Scout it's a pain. But; yea with the Bendak Starkiller bit, use Stims and stay your distance if you get hit heal quick. There's and armor you can get in one of the appartments that should do you until you get off Taris, it's the one with the Holo puzzle about the musician's, it'll halp make things easier.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:41 am
by Yeltsu
i did a lvl 2 rogue.. and when it comes to Bendak, grenades, stims, and shields are the way to go

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:05 pm
by Alcina
I've done Taris at level 3, but with one exception; I couldn't get Bendak to offer to fight me. Once I'd killed all the other duelists and become champion I went and talked to him; but now when I clicked on him he didn't speak (before I finished the other duels he told me to come back when I'd won). Neither would the Hutt offer me anything.

Is this a glitch, or will he not fight unless you are a certain level?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:46 am
by KyLewin
[QUOTE=Alcina]I've done Taris at level 3, but with one exception; I couldn't get Bendak to offer to fight me. Once I'd killed all the other duelists and become champion I went and talked to him; but now when I clicked on him he didn't speak (before I finished the other duels he told me to come back when I'd won). Neither would the Hutt offer me anything.

Is this a glitch, or will he not fight unless you are a certain level?[/QUOTE]

Must be a glitch, because once you beat Twitch he should challenge you (the Hutt should give you your reward as well). Your level has nothing to do with whether or not he challenges you as many (myself included) have finished Taris without leveling up past lvl 2.