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can someone help me with the construction set?

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Kais Shi
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can someone help me with the construction set?

Post by Kais Shi »

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: I have recently tried modding because my interent is way to slow to download any good mods (that I have found). However I soon after trying to make my first mod discovered that the construction set makes no sense! Mainly whenever I try to place something it always appears floating in the air. I have no ideea how you are supposed to make a cavern/dungeon, or any landscape. I would like to make a weapon you can dual-wield (yes I know there is a mod on the internet for this but it is to large for me to download because it takes +30 minutes) but for some reason I can't seem to find the place where all the animation files are. So if somebody would PLEASE HELP ME do this I would REALLY REALLY REALLY be thankful.
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Post by fable »

Kais Shi, I don't do any mod programming myself, though I've done the writing for a couple of mods in the past. Try checking out this excellent list, and go to the portion marked "RESOURCES FOR MOD MAKERS." It includes several excellent tutorials--or so I've been told--some of them from the Elder Scrolls files. Hope that helps. :)
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Post by ch85us2001 »

[url=""]Here[/url] is a nice tutorial. :)
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