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What herbs to bring on trips?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:29 pm
by One man army
I'm interested in knowing what kind of herbs you bring when you go out to do a mission... I bring allot off stuff like saltric, marshmarow, tarma roots, resin, corkbulb root, stoneflower petals, dreugh wax... and so on.
Most of the stuff is in a large number around a total of around 60 in weight. What herbs do you bring fore potions and what potions do you use?
I'm normally in the need of levitate, restore health, fortify personality, fortify strength, water walk, water breathing.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:41 pm
by fable
No herbs with me, except those I collect when coming back to my home. However, I bring a pretty good assortment of potions, with spells to cover problems that might crop up. I prefer using potions to prep for battle, since that way my magicka is still at its maximum before I fight. (Fortify Magicka potions are also useful to have.) Since many uber-powerful spells are deliberately hobbled in my game through mods, I don't use levitate very much (except to get between those annoying Vivec cantons), and Fortify Intelligence is simply impossible to make.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 2:23 pm
by dragon wench
lol! When I first saw the title of this thread, I seriously thought it was referring to "trips" that induced an altered state.... and I was about to suggest various 'speed' and 'height' enhancing concoctions.... :D

*ahem* On topic,
Like Fable, I don't bring any herbs with me either, excepting those I collect while on a mission. I don't like hauling extraneous items around with me (such as alchemy equipment), so I do all of my brewing "at home."
I mostly prepare restore health and restore magicka potions. Or if my thief is in the mood for some cheese... telekinesis potions :p

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:33 am
by Loredweller
Well, the basics. Herbs (also minerals and things from other sources) are just ingridients one could use to make potions (Alchemy skill). Of course, there are effects in those ingridients, altogether they are usually mixed with unwanted side effects and, asuming you had porper alchemic apparatus, with much less amount in points and duration for wanted effects. Combining ingridients we could get a potion with desired effect withouth (or at lest much lessened) side effects of greater strength and lasting longer.
Intelligence and Alchemy skill are important for the strength and durability of effects (beeing determined in the moment of creation) and together with Luck for the success rate. The quality of apparatus increases or decreases certain effects and has no impact on success rate. You may seek for details on UHS and/or even better see The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind Alchemy FAQ - Darliandor's Alchemy Lab

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:53 am
by Greg.
I generally don't carry any out either.

Reasons for this...

1) Alchemy apparatus is heavy
2) Potion ingredients realistically weigh more than the potions they create
3) Potions are more useful in terms of effect than ingredients

Usually big restore health/magicka potions are all I use.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:56 am
by fable
I only wish we had potion containers, but inventory management was always a mess in the ES series. Two container mods were made within the last year, but they were very awkward to use. (The easier of the two, as I recall, required that you went to an outside cell before you opened any container, upon any load of the game.) I hope they've got this handled in Oblivion, but since it isn't something they're discussing ("Hey, kids, check out the kewl graphix!"), I'm not placing bets.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:11 pm
by dragon wench
off topic, but:

I gather the Oblivian Construction set is quite a lot more sophisticated, so maybe any container mods will be a lot easier to use?