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SPOILER question about handmaiden
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:11 pm
by boakajojo
I'm playing through the game for my forth or fifth time (lost count), and just realized I always train handmaiden to be a jedi. So here is my question, is the storyline any different if I do not train her to be a jedi. I just trained her and Kreia talked and it went to the cutscene of Atris saying the handmaiden was training to be a jedi and she will be flawed ... or something like that. Just wanted to know, becuase I will go back and not train her so I go see something new.
Thanks for your help
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:31 pm
by Hill-Shatar
There will be a short scene when Atris will stop and whisper something... I believe it was 'She has betrayed us'... and the handmaidens will ask what she means.
I believe this happens anyways at the tomb on Dxun, but I am unsure. If it does, it just happens earlier.
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:53 am
by mr_sir
i'm using the handmaiden for the first time in the game i am currently playing as i usually play female characters, but i doubt turning her into a jedi would have a huge part in the game, or everyone that had disciple instead would miss out on a huge chunk of the story.
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:57 am
by walterd140
That is an intresting question. Here's another.... what if you do not train anyone?????
I played through for about 6 times, but always focused on the light / dark side, but never thought about not training people. Looks like I'm about to go through for a 7th time & find out.
If you find out anything, please keep us updated.
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:07 am
by mr_sir
first time through i didn't train anyone cos i never realised i could really - didn't get to grips with the whole influence thing at first lol. anyway, still on my second and third games so cannot comment on the end being different, but the first two thirds of the game is no different except the odd extra cutscene here and there.
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:15 pm
by walterd140
Odd scenes?? How so????
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:37 pm
by virpyre
Nothing really odd about it...
Turn Jedi:
Kreia uses her Telepathy to inform Atris that the Handmaiden Betrayed them, the sisters ask why? Atris says; she has taken the path of the exile, then tells them to leave her while she meditates.
Not Jedi:
Two Handmaiden Sisters talk about has there been any word from the exile.
No Change goes into the story, just a few extra dialog option's, if you're a Jedi Consular then a Jedi Guardian would help.
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:07 am
by The Reaper
Here's a question about training for you. Can you actually train Sith? I've found no matter what I say my companions become Jedi somthings... Just they're on Dark side. I was hoping when I did that I could train them to be Marauders or somthing...
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:59 am
by mr_sir
[QUOTE=walterd140]Odd scenes?? How so????[/QUOTE]
i didn't mean odd as in strange. i might odd as in a few. so the odd extra cutscene just meant a few extra cutscenes here and there
as for sith, only your main character, the exile, can be a prestige class. the rest will just be dark jedi (but on the character screen will just have the name jedi guardian etc.)
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 2:58 pm
by Alcina
[QUOTE=walterd140]That is an intresting question. Here's another.... what if you do not train anyone?????
I played through 3 times before I read a walkthrough and realised you could train them as Jedi. AFAICT, it makes almost no difference to any cut scenes or dialogue (indeed, some of the cut scenes are very odd if they are Jedi, as they state that they aren't...notably if you send a Jedified party leader into the tomb on Dxun).