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Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:16 am
by gramps001
I know that no one can help me with the game. But I was wondering if anyone knew where i could find decent light armor for my Dunmer Nightblade. Right now the best I can find is Chitin. Which only gives me a complete armor rating of 6. So is there a city that I can goto to get Light Armor.
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:33 am
by dragon wench
If you have Tribunal installed, you'll eventually get some pretty good light armor without really having to try, it will find you
Other than that, there is glass armor, which can be bought or stolen (it's very expensive) from one of the towers in Ghostgate, I can't recall which.
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:40 am
by gramps001
Speaking of tribunal. How do I go about installing Tribunal and Bloodmoon. Because last time I tried to install these two they never seemed to work. Even after I told it to grab the needed game files and what not. Still didn't work.
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:57 am
by Loredweller
I know that no one can help me with the game. But I was wondering if anyone knew where i could find decent light armor for my Dunmer Nightblade. Right now the best I can find is Chitin. Which only gives me a complete armor rating of 6. So is there a city that I can goto to get Light Armor.
Speaking about Chitin - it's pretty good armor for the begining, i do not know if any other would add much. Just your skill is low, that's all. You knew that in Morrowind armor rating is derived also from related armor skill, don't you? Armor characteristics stay the same all the game, the skill changes and brings the armor rating along.
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:28 am
by Coot
[QUOTE=gramps001]Speaking of tribunal. How do I go about installing Tribunal and Bloodmoon. Because last time I tried to install these two they never seemed to work. Even after I told it to grab the needed game files and what not. Still didn't work.[/QUOTE]I'm not sure what you mean by that. Can you be more specific about the error messages? And do you have alot of mods installed (maybe they're interacting with Trib and Bloodmoon?). I always install MW, than Trib, Bloodmoon and mods.
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:35 am
by gramps001
Yea, I do understand that the armor is rated upon the users ability with that type of armor. Lets say I creat a nord, he specializes in Heavy army. So naturally i get him heavy army. Well start of the game his armer level is 24. Where as my Dunmer specializes in light armor. I get him light armor and his starting armor rating is 6. Thats why i wanted to know if there was better light armor.
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:16 pm
by dragon wench
Light armor has a much lower base armor class than heavy armor, which makes sense.. I do think, however, that it is a big leap from chitin to the Tribunal light armor and glass. You'd think there would be something in between chitin and the Tribunal stuff...
Regarding the expansions errors, I've always found the expansions install very easily.. by just clicking through the steps.
Order is important though:
1. Morrowind
2. Tribunal
3. Bloodmoon
4. The Bloodmoon patch (note: do not install any other patches if you are installing all three, just the Bloodmoon patch)
5. Any mods you plan to use (the order of those can be important sometimes too)
So, if you have done all of the above and are still getting errors, I'd suggest posting your question in the Game Banshee tech forum, and if nothing helps after that, you might want to contact Besthesda.
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:48 pm
by gramps001
Construction Set
Thanks Dragon!
So how bout the construction set that is included? Can anyone give me a hand using it or direct me towards a website or book that might have documentation on how to do things.
If you know how to use it and want to send me a message. Zeke7050 on either yahoo or AIM. Send me a message.
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:25 pm
by fable
Use our search engine on "construction" and "tutorial" (without the parens). You'll find several suggested links to lengthy, very well organized walkthroughs on building through the construction set. I know this, because the question just arose in the last 3-5 days. It pays to look.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:22 pm
by gramps001
Yea, Normally I would scan through the forums to see if people have asked the same questions. But i was busy actually playing the game. lol
Thanks though, I appreciate it,
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:12 am
by Loredweller