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New Game Load error
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:25 pm
by Patrick
Hi folks new to this forum
Just installed game. Any one know why when I try to load the game i get a black screen and then nothing, no game loads?
Do I need to patch it and what are some good MODs if any?
What is the latest version of the patch?
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:49 pm
by Lord Plothos
This game was rushed to market by Atari and the original should not be played unpatched, especially with newer, updated versions of windows (esp. XP service pack 2).
For the basic stable version of the original game, I recommend atari's official patch #2 plus a fan patch called For the latest mods, you can check out the forum at, and the new co8 mod 4.0 has been well received. The nice thing about it is it comes with a program called front end that lets you set which mod/patch combination you want to play with without having to reinstall everything. It thus allows for easy experimentation with the various mods and such.
atari patch 2
1. Unzip the patch. (Double click the folder you downloaded and choose the extract all files option in the corner of the window (XP))
2. Find the file in you GAME'S directory called "temple.dll" and remove it. (Put it somewhere you can find it again.)
3. Take the "temple.dll" file from the unzipped patch folder and put it where the original file was.
4. Inside the patch folder should be a folder called "data". Inside that folder should be three new folders. Take all of them and put them into the game's "data" folder.
co8 4.0
See the forum at
There are also a few miscellaneous mods that are really nice. There's one espcially I like called the "Humble NPC Patch" by Drifter over at co8. It makes the NPCs in your party controllable. This can be abused, but without the patch they're so stupid as to be useless (e.g. over-encumbering themselves with loot, which they take first pick of, by the way). You can find a link to it at co8 or in the sticky thread on the NPC patch at the top of this forum.
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:24 pm
by Patrick
OK I tried the but I cannot read the read me? How does one such as I install it.
I added the 1.2
Then added the atari patch 2
Did you know there at the web site of Atari there is a
patch 1, patch 2, patch 3. I as was mentioned chooce patch 2. I hope this all the right stuff. Also the first time I downloaded it was from the other site and it did not install the second time I got the right one from the download and at first it said file already exist and not installed but then it di install and said successfully installed.
So no yet. Still as of yet the game does not load and checked the screen resolution and such and still no luck. Also I just put Doom 3 on the day before with full graphics and the game screams.
Alsmost a cry baby but at least I have something to do. Help!!
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:39 am
by Patrick
OK my problem here is fixed, I found I was a stupid mistake, I was using the install disk and not the game disk. Have fun I will
So from I noticed it a lot like Pool of Radience. One game question if anybody has the time, Is there a way to pause between charactor actions.
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:05 pm
by Lord Plothos
Atari patch 2 includes patch 1, so you can ignore 1. Patch 3 does nothing on top of 2 except fix a single bug that is corrected by, so again you can ignore it (and you should because fan patches and mods are all coded for patch 2).
Not sure what you mean by pausing, since it's a turn-based game. If you mean you want to wait to let characters move (as is change the order of combat, you can do that by dragging the portrait of the PC whose turn it is into another spot in the rotation up at the top of the screen. This works like the "Delay" option in D&D 3.5, so you can move up to the front of the rotation, if you like, but you won't get a turn with that PC until the front comes around again. Basically, just figure out who you want to move after, then put your picture right after theirs.
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:08 pm
by Lord Plothos
Also, it's important that you install patch 2 BEFORE If you did not, you should repeat the step where you put the file temple.dll into the game folder. That should correct the problem.
(Patch 2 rewrites/replaces temple.dll, and you need the one from to be there, so if you run the patch 2 install over, this file will be the wrong version.)
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 4:49 pm
by Patrick
How do I install temple .zip because I can not access the read me?
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:47 pm
by Lord Plothos
In my original post, right under the links for are the instructions for installing it. Steps 1-4. You just put a file and a few folders in the right spots and it's installed.
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:46 am
by Patrick
So i downloaded the patch,
then removed the tmple.dll file and stached it, then replaced it with the one in the temple patch then added thed three files to the in game data file.
It seems the files would not add seperatly but formed as one data folder in the in game data folder. That folder has its own three directories.
mes rules and scr
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:17 am
by Lord Plothos
Your game's "data" folder should have a total of six folders, three of which come from the patch.
They are:
Before patching, there should be three in there. You just open the "data" folder and drag the three new ones into it.
Sounds like you dragged the whole data folder and selected to replace the old data folder when asked. That'd delete the three original folders. They may be in your trash can, but if not you'll probably have to reinstall.