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One Name or More
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:22 pm
by dragon wench
As I created a new character recently, I became curious while at the naming screen.
Since this character is a Breton, I went for the distinctly French name of Eloise. I then toyed with the idea of a family name, but I opted against the idea, as I have always done. The reason being, I don't feel like having NPCs constantly addressing my character by two or more names, it seems clunky and less than realistic. Besides, I usually play cloak and dagger types of characters, so nobody needs to know my last name
So, my question is, how many names do you usually give your characters?
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:28 pm
by Phreddie
I ussualy have a Phreddie, Loki, or Bob. Though I have been toying around with taking a last name to either Phreddie or Bob for future RPG's like TES 4, I just havent been able to think of one, seeing as I also normally play thieves/assassins. The other thing is nicknames, Ive been thinking of nicks for them that have to do with thier profesions wether it be silent assassins or sneaky thief, but I can never seem to find on that works. I got the idea from Fast Eddie in Balmora.
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 2:58 pm
by Raven_Song
Usually single names only.
Except for Argonian characters whom I sometimes given native Americanesque names like Walks-in-Shadow and Imperials who have first and family name. (Well they are practically roman and after watching Rome recently it seems like they all wandered about addressing each other in full - when they weren't in bed)
I'm afraid I can't play khajiit anymore because of names, I end up giving them kitty names like Fluffy, Tigger or Tiddles. Imagine the horror for those in Great House Hlaalu, being subordinate to Horator Tiddles.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:21 pm
by fable
One name. In such a society everyone would have a pair of names (or more), but like you, I don't enjoy being constantly addressed by both. Another minor irrtant that could have been easily fixed in the original code. (Hell, in the MMORPG I used to work in, we had a host of variables to slot into any scripts we wanted to use, including one each for first and last names.)
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:22 pm
by Athena
First name basis here. My reasoning? I don't always want NPCs to know my last name for security purposes.

. I (also) like being addressed by my first name only. Besides, divas are known by one name only.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:02 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=Phreddie]I ussualy have a Phreddie, Loki, or Bob. <snip>The other thing is nicknames, Ive been thinking of nicks for them that have to do with thier profesions wether it be silent assassins or sneaky thief, but I can never seem to find on that works. I got the idea from Fast Eddie in Balmora.[/QUOTE]
How about "Backstreet Bob?"
@Raven Song,
ROFL!!! :laugh: Er.. you could just go for more dignified feline names you know.
I'm a bit surprised there has never been a mod made to deal with the issue. Or maybe there has? Admittedly, I've never went out of my way to search for one.
yep! Agreed on all counts, except for the Diva angle. I play thieves, and thus 'discretion is the better part of valour'

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:44 pm
by Bluestorm
When playing games like this one character that you create i always go with Bluestorm but with other game where you create the whole party i normally go with my familys first names and the surname of Bluestorm ok i know pretty boring.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:08 pm
by Oscuro_Sol
I use one name too, and I usually play Khajiit, so sometimes it's hard to think up names. When I can't think of one, I take a word that goes with the character, and mix up the letters and add some in. I think my last Khajiit was called "H'catinas," when turned backwards and if you remove some letters, it turns out to be "Snatch" or "Snitch." Lame, but prevents staring at the screen trying to think of a name.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:14 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=dragon wench]@Fable,
I'm a bit surprised there has never been a mod made to deal with the issue. Or maybe there has? Admittedly, I've never went out of my way to search for one.[/QUOTE]
You can't mod it if the entire name is one field, which seems to be the case. Hopefully, Obsidian will allow you to enter two separate names as two fields, but we'll just have to wait, and see.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:52 pm
by Bloodstalker
I just use one name. I'm not interested in realism in what my character is called. If I were, I wouldn't bother to enter a name in the first place, as I assume my character would be called by something a bit more descriptive and likely to not make it past the board filter.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:23 am
by Raven_Song
Raven Song,
ROFL!!! Er.. you could just go for more dignified feline names you know.
I've tried I really have - I once made it all the way to Balmora with a female khajiit named Habira (combined Habasi (of sugar Lips fame) and Ajira). I'd signed on with Caius and was off to join the Thieves' Guild and then I realized how much I missed Tiddles.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:20 pm
by One man army
I don't put mush time on the names so my crocheter normally ends up with rely bad names. My orc fore example was named; ORC, I think his name fits his IQ. I don't like the name but when I started on my new crocheter I started to miss my orc.