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Cult/LegionMorag or Temple-Which is best to join?

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Cult/LegionMorag or Temple-Which is best to join?

Post by KaiSardone »

Well first off i'm a member of all three guilds fighters/theives/Mages. However i favor my theif Guild membership more then anything, the rest are mostly for quests.
Also recently joined the Hlaalu house.

I'm looking for opinions on which Faction to join based my house, and favored Guild.

Imperial Legion
Imperial Cult
Morag Tong
Tribunal Temple

anu suggestions/recomendations would be much appreciated.

And on a side note, if anyone knows. Is there a point to keeping Dwemer coins? found some in a ruin i needed to explore.
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Post by Raven_Song »

Why not just join them all.
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Post by Loredweller »

I usually join them all - but then again, i'm not the most typical player :cool:
I just - since some time - usually join Morag Tong first (though after Mages and Fighters Guild what i'm joining on mercantile reasons). The reason is not to kill somebody i might need later for Morag Tong (i hate if the execution isn't recognised as honorable, it flies in the face of Morag Tong tradition). Also to avoid occasional expelling if something goes wrong, that too. And i certainly join and do Legion up to certain point before i'm going to join Redorans (if i am), since there is a little virtual confrontation between them.

I just usually have a legend assuming some suspicion of my hero about what's going on and why he's here. So, with suspicions grewing stronger it's natural desire to gather all possible strength and all possible means in his hands, to unite all forces in Morrowind under one leader (why not himself). The guesses might be wrong at the begining, nonetheless the desire is well motiveted for any of them. After all, he'd rather won't go back to the mainland on the same ship, would he?

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Post by KaiSardone »

hehe didnt know you could join them all o.o. thanks!. i wish the quests didnt all conflict >< i'm having enough trouble with fighters guild and Theives etc. Although i only have Gentlman jim's quests left for Theives. so probably work on fighters for a bit then do his. or somthing@@
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Post by Loredweller »

And on a side note, if anyone knows. Is there a point to keeping Dwemer coins? found some in a ruin i needed to explore.[/QUOTE]
You will find more. And they're only to gather the wealth - they are light, cost enough and Creeper buys them.

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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=KaiSardone]hehe didnt know you could join them all o.o. thanks!. i wish the quests didnt all conflict >< i'm having enough trouble with fighters guild and Theives etc. Although i only have Gentlman jim's quests left for Theives. so probably work on fighters for a bit then do his. or somthing@@[/QUOTE]

When the game was first in development the thought was to make you choose which guilds you joined, thus eliminating "enemy" guilds, and some of that even remains in manual and strategy guide. But they got rid of the idea because kiddies wanted it all, didn't want to choose, and weren't patient enough to play through the game several times to sample all the different benefits. So you still can join only one House (where there are few differences, in the end), but can join all guilds.
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Post by dragon wench »

I tend to create my own restrictions when playing.
For example, if I join the Temple, I won't join either the Imperial Cult or Legion.
If I do Gentleman Jim's Bal Molagmer quests, chances are that I'll join House Hlaalu because... spoiler.. highlight below:
they have a similar view on slavery
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Post by Sparrow »

I join every guild and complete all quests, except for the thieves guild. There is some annoying conflict concerning a code book, which if I get it for the fighters guild, I can't join the thieves guild. I suspect I might be able to complete the thieves guild first, and then do the fighters guild, but I've never tried it. Does anybody know if this would work, without serious conflicts?
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Post by Loredweller »

[QUOTE=Sparrow]... I suspect I might be able to complete the thieves guild first, and then do the fighters guild, but I've never tried it. Does anybody know if this would work, without serious conflicts?[/QUOTE]
Not that way.
First, do them in parallel.
The second, listen to Percius Mercius in Ald'Ruhn Fighters Guild. Do not miss "any advice" option there. Check with him every doubtful order. Do not follow Hard-Heart. You even could never ask for a quest in Vivec - save but at very end.
The third, first and most critical is the Code Book quest, it has to be done in right way (or skipped in right way - so it was said, i'd never done it so myself).
If you want more spoilers, just ask :p

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