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armour and weapons help

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:30 pm
by liverlad
I need help on armour and weapons (hense the name). i got a full set of that Guard one by killin 1 and a steel frost sword. As you can see im crap so can someone reply with tips or tell me where to get decent armour. :D :D

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:52 pm
by Loredweller
Why do you ever need one? I'm going for years mostly with Savior's Hide (from Tel Fyr), Boots of Blinding Speed (escorted a trader from nearabouts of Caldera to Gnaar Mok) and a Cephalopod Helm (enchanted, the first one Devil Chephalopod Helm bought in Caldera, two more enchanted by Sanctuary and Chameleon - bough in Tel Branora and Dagon Fel, but you could try and kill a Telvani Guard).

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:13 am
by Stormraven
It depends on what armor you need...and how much money you got...
Spoiler ahead:
In The Hlaalu treasury in Vivec you can find a complete set of glass armor, but it's protected by ordinators and 90pt locks.
You can also find armor in towers in cities. Or, you could do some quests dor Daedra lords (like Malacath, for the best helm in the game). Or, you can go adventuring.
End of spoiler.
The possibilities are unlimited...

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:00 pm
by mr.goalieman

i know how to make lots of money! i have an alchemy skill a level 54 so i make lots of potion of random items and sell em. i have over 20 000 $. if u like heavy armor just go to ald ruhn and go inside on of the manor districts under skar and kill a couple of guards cause they're wearing dwemer armor. or if u like medium armor to to suran then over the hill and ull see a guy named umbra and hes willing to fight. Hes in all orchish armor. really good armor. mine is all enchanted. and if u want glass armor for light go to gohstgate then in one of the towers therell be a merchent selling all glass. kill him and steal it cause its all in the open. :D

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:45 pm
by dragon wench
Game Faqs is always handy to check for questions like this: ... 13818.html

In particular I refer you to "Armor FAQ," "Beginner's Guide," "Treasure Guide," and "Legendary/Famous Artifacts"