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Problem with my Armor

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:08 pm
by d4rk_duke
Some days ago i started a new character, wood elf assassin, today i was messing around in Ice's Hideaway, placing my armor and other stuff in the diplay cases. Anyways, then suddenly i notice that my armor rating was -22. I wasnt wearing anything but a robe and a quiver. I checked my attributes and skills, but none of them were damaged. I tried sleeping for 3x24 hours, drinking various cure poison, blight or common disease potions, but nothing helped. I tried putting on my dark brotherhood armor, where i had armor rating 32, now i only had 10. I simply dont understand this ? What could it be ? I solved the quest for the temple in vivec where you had to make that woman leave vivec due to coprus disease and the guy who gave the quest said afterwards that i might have been exposed to blight disease so he gave me some cure blight disease potions, but i didnt drink them though. I recieved some blessins at the shrines inside the temple just after that quest, before leaving for the Ices hideaway. Someone please help im really out of ideas here :-/

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:38 pm
by fable
Are you running any other mods? If so, did you unload them while still wearing items from those mods?

Are any of your stats in red?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:43 pm
by virpyre
I had the same thing happen to me once...My medium armor skill was 86 the it dropped to 68 after fighting something, in the ash lands...I don't remember what it was, it's a skill drain instead of an atribute idea how to fix if though, unless there's a mythical healer in morrowind.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:48 am
by d4rk_duke
Yeah my endurance and willpower attributes are both red, but i tried restoring them but nothing happens other than that. I was wondering if I may have gotten infected by corprus ? I just find it rather strange, since there werent any active negative effects down in the right corner where you also have all the other magical effects. So if I have, I'll have to go pay that telvanni wizard in Tel Fyr a visit right ? I think it's called the corprusarium or something like that.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:51 am
by Loredweller
Try Temple first.
Try to put your cursor over the each of small icons in bottom right and see what the hint window says. If there was a disease, it should show up for certain effect it caused (at least on PC)
IMHO a PC isn't supposed to caught Corpus other way than from certain NPC in certain circumstances.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:43 am
by d4rk_duke
It was on a quest I may have gotten it, but i checked the icons, but they didnt say anything but resist common disease xx%, the natural resistance wood elves have against common diseases. I wasnt wearing anything enhchanted or anything.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 7:56 am
by Loredweller
If you had Corpus, your Strength and Endurance should be increased by one and all other attributes save Agility, IIRC, should be decreased by one each day. It's not related to skills either.
Try Temple altars - and take off all buffing items you might have when doing that. There is a book "Consolations of Prayer" explaining what shrine does what.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:47 pm
by d4rk_duke
Alright ill try some of the shrines. I've seen Consolations of prayer many places, so ill probably take a look at that as well. Right now, im doing the quests for Cosades so he can send me to that telvanni wizard to get cured for corprus. I went to him myself, but all he did was talk about "plundering the dungeon", his "daughters" and the "divine disease" lol.
Another thing, today i went to some caverns who were occupied by some sixth house worshippers. Dreamers, ash ghouls, ash zombies and a couple others too. But when one of them hit me, my restoration skill went directly from 30 something, to 28, it's in red text as well. What on earth do i do about a skill damage/drain ? I've never actually encountered this before, nor heard about it. I havent yet seen any potions or spells to restore "skills", only attributes, so what do i do ? Maybe go to a shrine in a temple or something ? It's kinda annoying how the bonewalkers along with other creatures, damage your attributes when they attack you. That's sorta why I prefer taking them out with a bow instead of a blade.

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 7:20 pm
by One man army
Have you tried the imperial cult altars, they restore some stuff and i prefer them over the shrines since they restore stuff. At Tel Fyr talk about stuff like corpus cure and (if you have those options, otherwise talk about everything) you have to get a pair of bots form the corpusatorium to get the cure fore corpus.

**SPOILER** (in black)
I you sleep fore a long time with courpus the good stats will stay up. watch out though because corpus drains personality and you need 10 personality to get the cure. If you want high stats you can use Televani bug musk or fortify personality potions to raise your personality. I have around 173 streangh without boosted strength (except from courpus). But if you get hit by drain strength you will not be abel to get it back up again, my breton with saviors curras have 110% magic protection so I manage, but oater races may have a problem with that.