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Tel Fyr-Question Concerning the captured person

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:15 am
by KaiSardone
Erm in tel Fyr behind on of the doors is a lady, whom asks if her father sent you, and if you can help her get out.

Once i escort her out she gives me a locket and says to give it to her father. However she doesnt know where he is and asks me to talk to somone in ald'Rhun who might know.

Unforuntly its 7:14am and i'm to tired to remeber the guys name@@

He lives in the Manor district though. I managed to find him, but i have no options to talk to him about the gals father. any ideas?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:26 am
by Loredweller
That's Redoran House quest. <spoiler>
The father is in the cave W of Ald'Ruhn, Milk is the name, the grandfather in Council Chambers in Ebonheart (gives an Ebony Helm - at least if you were on Redoran quest).
<end of spoiler>

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:37 pm
by KaiSardone
Alright thanks. Guess becuase i'm not house redoran, the redoran guy who was suposed to tell me where to go wont give me the info@@