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Chaotic Neutral Anomen Romance?

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2001 9:41 pm
by Hei_Mao
'Kay, so I'm playing BG2 for probably the sixth or seventh time, and I figured it'd be a hoot to see how the Anomen romance changed if he did not become a knight... i.e., failed the Order's Test.

However, It's been some time since I heard from him (even though he did say he would like to talk about more later, in a previous conversation). I was wondering if anyone here took this route, and had any words about their experiences. I'm a bit curious about this, and there's no mention of it in the NPC section of this board.


Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2001 11:06 pm
by Weasel
I believe if you fail the test the romance ends.

I have seen a post on this somewhere here...if I find it I will post you a link to it.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2001 9:39 am
by T'lainya
I think Weasels right. I just tried that too and he stopped talking. When I checked the active status is was inactive. I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it posted, but there's a CLUAConsole get global command which allows checking active status. It's different from the love talk rating before everyone replies to that.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2001 11:31 am
by Hei_Mao
Finally, the game answered my own question for me. He propositioned my mage in the Planar Sphere. Seems the romance does go on... but he moves pretty quick after failing the test.