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VtM:B on Intel Extreme 2 graphics
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 11:54 pm
by acetylcholine
Intel Extreme 2 Integrated graphics on 64MB shared
Celeron(R) M processor on 1.40GHz
Those are the specs on my notebook. When I play normally, the game runs ok, but when I cast blood shield or celerity it starts glitching so much it is unplayable. Now, I am wondering wheter it is worth the money to buy 512 more ram because I know that shared memory cards have less bandwidth and that no matter how mch more ram i buy, the graphics card is going to drag my game down because it is so slow... So, is it a graphics or a ram question?
(the game runs well on similar specs with non-integrated graphics (also nvidia: geforce4 mx)
suggestions? experiences?
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 12:34 am
by mr_sir
i have intel extreme and a pentium 4 3.somethingghz processor with 512mb ram and it works ok on my machine - it slows down a little when using protean (never tried celerity) but it still more than playable. maybe an extra 512 ram may help, but it may be more to do with your processor than anything else.
also, have you fully updated your drivers. this made a huge difference on quite a few games i play with intel extreme
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:54 pm
by acetylcholine
yeah, right off microsoft's site. thanks
anybody try celerity? (can you actually fight first person? because it does NOT lag when im first person. it is the effect that makes it laggy, so i dont think its the processor)
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:19 pm
by Wrath
nope, ya can't fight in first person (unless you're using a fireweapon).
Not sure if it isn't the processor, cause I got a:
Sempron 2.4 ( I think it's 2.4... I'm not on it right now...)
Video Card 64mb (can't remember which one it is!)
RAM 256
and I didn't have this kind of problem. Of course it can get a bit laggy when I use bloodshield or when I face a lot of enemies, but never when I'm using celerity....
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:20 pm
by mr_sir
the min system specs are a 1.2 processor, so 1.4 is at the low end of the min requirements for the game, whereas the min ram is 384mb so i think it prob is the processor if its slowing down that much.
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:31 pm
by acetylcholine
oh well! lets conclude it like this
man i should not have gotten rid of my desk box!
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:17 pm
by acetylcholine
1. installed new video drivers
2. shut down firewall (zone labs only!!) and network
3. a LOT less lag!!!
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:34 pm
by mr_sir
i find it helps if you are not connected to the internet when you play, exit your virus software and firewall programs (not just disable them), and close down any other background applications such as messenger etc. that are on your quick icon menu on the toolbar. it definately helps a lot with the intel chipsets if you have the bare minimum running in the background.
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 1:13 am
by acetylcholine
yeah. well my windows is pretty clean since i ONLY use it for vampire (i use linux -- partitions)
i wanted to add: i shut down antisoptic (or whatever) filtering on my graphics card (which just loads textures in the "distance" so that theyre not blurry