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Incantation and Diablerie Campaign

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:29 pm
by Siberys
The gentle rocking of the ship seems to be coming to a halt, and as you look out to see where you’ve stopped, the captain knocks in your rooms, saying “Get yourselves up on deck.” Knowing full well how stern, how strict, and how unorthodox in his punishment this captain is, you hurriedly make your way to the top, even with the manacles on your feet and hands. You notice that before you actually get on top of the ship, the captain releases you from your manacles, then tells you to get up there, practically shoving you up.

You’ve always wondered how you got into this mess, as it was just some diablerie that you cast. But apparently, they took that rather seriously; they as in the guards of Algrandar that is. They told you “You have no respect for the law, this is a serious offense, blah blah blah.”

But, things happen.

The clear, cool day shows peace within this small town. Hedoran, the market town is quite serene most everyday. You have been here before, so you know what to expect.

“Quit gawking and get off the ship, let’s keep this as civil as possible.”

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:40 pm
by Oskatat
"Yeah, No Worries, happy to go, realy, but where to then? I mean, you can't seriously just turn us out into town. Are you?"
Lucas wasn't quite sure, life was taking unexpected turns lately

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:44 pm
by Siberys
"There's a man, Calvius, who will redeem you of your bounty if you listen to him. No one in this town know's who you are, so go to him and follow his orders to redeem yourself. Or, you can come back to that prison cell that we kept so lovely and filled with fungus for you."

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:45 pm
by Demortis
"Fine, where is he?"

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:48 pm
by Siberys
"He's on the east side of town, his place is the third door to the left on the second strip of houses in the residential district."

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:49 pm
by Oskatat
thinking to himself, lucas had a finely reasoning. -> noone knows us here. only when we look for a certain person, we will be known for who we are. Yes sure I will go to him

"does he expect us?"

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:51 pm
by Siberys
The man stares at you with impatience, tapping his fingers across his crossed arms and such, waiting for you to get off.

"Yes, he is expecting you. Anything else?"

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:55 pm
by Yepi
The stagnant air, left his quite self as he found his weak body hoisted up by a pair of burly guards, each with a nasty looking blade tied on their belts, they slapped him across the face lightly grunting as they did "wake up, creature, he wants you" at first it dawned upon Linus that the first question he should ask the two apes was "who is he?" but then it moved upon him slowly like the tide of the sea, it was the captain.

He moved slowly towards the stairs, almost dragging his feet with him. He looked around to find any means of escape but unfortunately did not, the ship wasn't a ship, more of a floating fortress. Well it had to be for the dangerous cargo it held. he spat on the floor which was greeted with a shart slap on his arm. The ape further impressed Linus with his vocabulary "stop procrastinating you grandiloquent little fool", now convinced that they were not someone to pick a fight with he reached the deck

He was greeted with the usual flurry of evil faces, well evil to him anyway, fixing them a nastier stare, a stare which would cancel out any confidence they could have (or at least he liked to think that) "where is he?" he spat, letting it out as a small whisper coming from what sounded like a snakes mouth, his mouth of course, for the way he acted one could almost suspect that he had been a snake in earlier life

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:55 pm
by Oskatat
"No, No, I will be off right now, thank you so much for the wonderfull trip. I will surely remember it. Maybe we will talk about it some time, captain, over a mug of beer or wine, pehaps."

After that, Lucas makes his way to the shore. with hindsight, sea sickness is not a favorite occupation. solid ground is better anyway

He looked shortly how a 'travel companion' was carried onto the deck. well, someone had carried the trip worse than him

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:59 pm
by Siberys
"Uh huh, right. I'll probably never see your face again."

Alrighty, where are you guys going now?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:00 pm
by Demortis
*begins to walk toward to the contacts house*

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:03 pm
by Oskatat
walks alongside brutus

"Well, fellows, shall we pay our respects to that fellow he mentioned? It wouldn't hurt us to be early, but it would hurt to be late, so I say we get moving."

his natural ethusiasm was taking over again. opportunities were everywhere, you just had to find them. When they had this business done, he could wander around a bit...

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:13 pm
by Yepi
He was almost dropped, but he didnt waver under the force used by the strange and what seemed like intelligent people hiding behind the masks of a big grunt/brute hybrid thing. He moved off the gangplank, he thought of running losing his slippery self in the teeming mass of people, some surprised others carefree, it was those which would die, and get their pockets cut, possibly throats too.

As soon as he got off, he started dragging himself after the 2 people in front of him, they knew the way, well not for long. He felt for his dagger but then with a slight sadness relised that it was taken, he would live....for now

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:14 pm
by Siberys
By this time, the boat has already gone off short and started towards the mainlands. You 3 are currently in a town, he told you, called Becken, a small town consisting of elves as the main population.

(Out of game terms-

Town- Becken
Population- 3000 (45% elves, 20% humans, 14% gnomes, 14% halflings, 4% half orc, 2% Dwarf, 1% other.)
Gold Piece Limits- 1400 gold.)

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:21 pm
by Oskatat
"ermmm, did you actualy pay attention to where we needed to go, brutus guy?"

elves everywhere. it was just not fair

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:21 pm
by Siberys
Hmm, let me know where you guys are going when you decide.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:22 pm
by Yepi
low mutterings could be heard, he had hoisted himself up on his rugged horse, who looked nearly as destroyed in the mind as he was. It snorted randomly before continued trotting with the fellow on its back

"So master, where are we going today?!"

"Go away I don't know"

"OOOOH, thats not good, thats not good, master should know, Lenus knows, Lenus knows....."

"Go away!"

He almost shouted, but then it was gone

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:28 pm
by Oskatat
continuing to chat amiably and randomly, he turned to the other fellow.

"You know, whats-your-name, you need to treat that horse better, it looks a bit bad if I'm any judge. Not that I'm any judge, cause I got horse dung knowledge about horses. get it? horsedung about horses? Anyway, I just do locks. locks are easy. And you?"

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:33 pm
by Yepi
He quickly looked down and muttered to himself "shall we kill him master can we?!"


"The horse is fine," he said turning to the stranger again, he didn't laugh at the optimistics joke, it seemed more out of place than a chocolate teapot. "Im Linus, and an expert in the trade, off............helping people to come to terms with the loss of valuable things

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:40 pm
by Oskatat
"that sounds nice. maybe I can tell my client clients to go to you if they are upset. I'm in the general acquisition and displacement of unattended objects and securitity examination business. And how are you? I got seasick during the trip as you may have noticed. I sure am glad to be on land again. Did I mention my name is Lucas?"

Something didn't add up on this fellow. nothing to worry about, yet. He would find out, somday