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Question about Soloing

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:01 pm
by SadExchange
I've never soloed a character before and wanted to try with some of this conversation in this forum as of late. I was thinking of being an Inquisitor, but was wondering for those of you who solo a F/M/T or two out of the three, do you wear armor? Like, if you're in combat, you can't switch your armor of course, so how do you use spells or weapons, etc. Could someone explain this to me? Thank you for your time.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:12 pm
by Crabfish
Well, if you are a F/M/T or any other caster hybrid, you'll be able to put defensive spells on yourself instead of armor. Switching armor is to much of a hazzle, IMO - Ghost Armor and such are much more convenient, along with stoneskin and all the other superb buffs.

Also, Robe of Vecna is a must. You'll don't have to close into melee - they'll be down before they'll know what hit them.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:17 pm
by Jordoo
There is some Elven mail that you can cast spells in and also use thief skills with a penalty of course.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:03 am
by Celacena
Monk-eying about

The monk is the best solo run I had. Pick up other characters when you want quests and generally keep most of the XP.

the F/M/T is a bit cumbersome, but does solve the problem of how to get the most usage of available items.

a M/T combination can use a good deal of kit including celestial fury and daystar which I find the most useful swords for much of the game.

problem with rings is that the spell boosting rings etc take up slots you might want for other things - and who woul want to solo with the help of Gaxx x 2?

since I have had those 2 rings, the rest of the party is really just back-up.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 2:04 pm
by Nimiety
In my previous solo, I did a fighter dualled to mage... I just stayed with the robe of Vecna - yes, there may be slightly better choices of armor out there, but the robe just makes the spellcasting that much more powerful by being faster - the potential to get another few AC points out of it wasn't worthwhile.

Frankly, I thought that if I took too much damage from a fight and considered changing armor to make myself harder to hit, then I was approaching the fight the wrong way.

Of course, the current solo is a multi ranger/cleric using shadow dragon armor so I can keep sneaking around. :)


Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:58 pm
by Squee

Ok, the first question: Do you have ToB?

Because if you have then Sorcerer, Fighter/Mage an Fighter/thief are the absolutely best accordning to med....

If you don't have ToB then you can still go with fighter/thief, but without "use any item" and the other abilitys he's not quite as good... but with ToB the fighter/thief is oscenely powerful, i think I was able to get 95% magic resistance (UAI let's you use Carsomyr ;) ) and a damage output that even made Tempos wet his pants ;) ... Spike Traps/Time Traps are also..... cheesy to say the least ^^... and the ability (Assassination right?) that makes every attack this round a backstabb!!! I mean c'mon!!! xD

A solo sorcerer with Robe of Vecna is just a joke, you'll be so overpowered that you'll kill dragons before they even cast one spell.... just cast Time Stop and Improved Alacrity and you've won before they can react...

The fighter/mage/thief is a solid and easy-played choice for SoA and ToB soloing.... you've got access to everything ^^

AND! Always chose Robe of Vecna over all the elven chains out there, if you need more AC just cast Ghost Armor/Spirit Armor..... reducing all casting time by 4 sconds?!?! No mage could live (or at least become godly overpowered ;) ) without this item, and that includes dual/multi classes...

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:44 pm
by Deadalready
Robe of Venca provides more armour than any of the basic spells, stoneskin is much more useful.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 12:50 am
by masteralef
[QUOTE=Squee]reducing all casting time by 4 sconds?!?![/QUOTE]

One nitpick: It's actually 4/10 of a round, or 2.4 seconds of a 6 second round. Still, that's pretty impressive. And Amulet of Power will get it down to 3 second.