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For PC Users: Clear Water

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:16 pm
by dragon wench
I just emailed a couple of people on this subject, and then realised I should actually post it here.

For anyone on PC who dislikes Morrowind's murky water there is a way to fix this very easily.

Taken from a helpful poster at The Summit:

Clear Water

First, as a security, make a copy of your (Morrowind.ini) and change it's name to (Morrowind.ini.original), so that later if you don't like the clear water you can call it (Morrowind.ini) again and put it back in the Morrowind folder.

To get the clear water
Open your Morrowind.ini file and about 1/3 down the way, you will see [Water] you must change the last 6 entries there.




I have not noticed any appreciable impact on my FPS (and I have a fairly primitive machine, albeit with a somewhat updated graphics card), and it looks beautiful. I also use Abbott's Water Life, so now my MW diving excursions are reminiscent of snorkeling trips in Belize and Cuba. I suppose some people might question the realism of the less murky water, but having snorkeled in the Caribbean, I can attest it isn't unnatural at all.

The other nice thing is since it just alters your .ini file, there is no need to worry about adding to your installed mod count :D

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 11:00 pm
by soulflay

Thanks a lot, DW. Now, it's time to make a lot of water breathing potions! :D

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:02 am
by dragon wench
You are welcome. Just be sure to grab the Abbot's Water Life mod, which really does justice to the new settings, here are some screen shots to whet your appetite. :D ... l?id=37360

Just click on the images for a larger version (To Hell with Photo Bucket, Opera's personal Photo albums are *way* better! :cool: :D )

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:41 am
by Greg.
[QUOTE=dragon wench]You are welcome. Just be sure to grab the Abbot's Water Life mod, which really does justice to the new settings, here are some screen shots to whet your appetite. :D

Unfortunately the shots are a bit small because Photo Bucket resizes them, but they should provide an idea ;) [/QUOTE]

I have water life installed, but all I've ever seen are jellyfish... Is there a new version or something?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:51 am
by fable
[QUOTE=GregtheSleeper]I have water life installed, but all I've ever seen are jellyfish... Is there a new version or something?[/QUOTE]

Do you mean the water is still murky? Because the INI changes will only show you what's inside. They don't alter the marine life.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:33 pm
by Greg.
[QUOTE=fable]Do you mean the water is still murky? Because the INI changes will only show you what's inside. They don't alter the marine life.[/QUOTE]

No, I mean that the only things I've seen in the water that are from abbott water life are jellyfish...

Will look harder next time... :D

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:25 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=GregtheSleeper]No, I mean that the only things I've seen in the water that are from abbott water life are jellyfish...

Will look harder next time... :D [/QUOTE]

There is a new version, but even the previous versions had life other than jellyfish ;)

Sometimes you need to go out quite a ways before you see some of it.
Kind of makes sense with the larger creatures like whales, dolphins and sharks..

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:34 am
by Greg.
Just to check something I noticed.

Should it be changed to:



like you said, or should it be:



I noticed the sunrise field when changing it...

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:49 am
by dragon wench

I directly copied and pasted this information from The Summit..
Here: ... ail&id=621

Scroll down to the Comments section and look under "Haddock"

Note, I have my settings changed exactly to the way Haddock suggests. Looks great!

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:33 am
by Greg.

Just wanted to clarify - it would be odd if the water suddenly went murky at sunrise...

It seems to work ok...

Now to get Tusar working...

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:33 pm
by dragon wench
You're welcome :)

btw, if anyone is interested, I posted a better image viewing link. I created a Photo Album with Opera, really nice set up for people who like to share images!