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Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:42 am
does anyone know haw to stop someone from attacting you and talk to you again as i seem to have pissed of one of the main quest charicters for tribunal and calm humanoit won't work on him, Help!!

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:57 am
by dragon wench
Maybe try a "Charm" or "Command" spell along with a bottle of Telvanni Bug Musk?

Not sure if it will work, but it's worth a shot.

If you are on PC, there might be some kind of console command to make an NPC non-hostile, you'd have to check yourself though as I don't know it.

Other than that... if none of the above work, I hope you have a recent save.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:03 am
by virpyre
There's a few Things Highlight Below:
One there's the High Ordinators, they get pissed if the see you in High Ordinator Armor, that's if you talk to them don'ttalk to them while wearing the armor or even having the armor in your inventory, because if you attack one then you branded for life and all High Ordinators will attack to on site except for the ones in Almexica's chamber.

Two there's a Wood Elf in the Temple Grounds that attacks you later on in the game if you did this small quest: The Wood Elf that keeps begging for Gold 10 Gold, 100 Gold, 1000 Gold, 10000 Gold...I told him no on the 10000 Gold and he told me I'd be sorry then he teleported away, I don't know how high he goess with the Gold begging. Anyway After a few quests latter I went back to the Temple Grounds to find a Pissed Wood Elf with a Full Ebony Set...If was very fun fighting him you'll need a Max Weapon Skill 100 STR, 100 END, 80 SPD...I had to leave the battle a few times to get some STR/END boosters, also had to sleep a day to get Adrenaline Rush back.

Third If you cast any Summon Monster Spells in town the guards will automatically see you as a threat.

Fourth Taunting/Intinmidating people can get them to attack you sometimes always make two saves of your game one before you do something stupid that you know you're going to regret, and two after what you did incase nothing has and everything is okay.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:07 am
the dude i pissed off was the important one in ebonheart who you have to talk to before he says you can go see some woman and go to the main land, also when i do calm humanoid it says i can't talk to him because he is in combat,

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:18 am
by fable
Per the sticky thread READ THIS BEFORE POSTING at the very top of the forum, please put a SPOILER designation on a thread like this. It gives away stuff that most people want to discover for themselves.

I've changed this one. You'll expected to do your own in the future, or they'll be deleted.

Also--just a suggestion--but you may want to make your thread titles a little more descriptive of your problem than simply "Oops." ;) It should draw the people to it who have your answers.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:19 am
by virpyre
If you've already gotten the info from him, to talk to the women then there's no trouble you could just kill him, but if you haven't gotten the info the you might not ever get to goto Tribunal because he's the one that starts that quest off, depending on how far you are in the game you might have to restart your game if you're really wanting to goto Tribunal.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:34 pm
no, tried all of them and it didn't work, thanks anyway though.

(Sorry fable, will do next time)

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:17 am
by Loredweller
Almost forgot, altogether it sometimes helps - if you desperately need to talk to somebody who otherwise would attack on sight.
  • Have 100% Chameleon.
  • Sneak behind him.
  • Release the Sneak key (otherwise it'd be just an attempt to pick his pocket) and try to talk to him.
Sneaking is essential - if he noticed you before you activate the talk, you'd get the combat reply.
I have had good luck even with Dagothes (well, some of them are meant to talk to PC) and Dreamers, for example.