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NPC Jedi spoilers
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:58 pm
by Darth Mason
Who have you lot found the hardest NPC to Jedify? i personally find Bao-Dur takes the longest and the Disciple/ Handmaiden the easiest.
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:34 pm
by B'omarr_Monk
Yeah, trainig Bao can be annoying since there are no dialogue options to gain INF. But really painful is this only to a DS character as you have to take a lot of LS points in order to 'jedify' Bao.
I found Mira the most difficult one. Only on my third way through the game I managed to train her. Pure coincidence- I never would've thought this one spot on Nar Shaddaa had any meaning beyond the (telepathic) conversation with Kreia.
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:50 pm
by virpyre
Disciple/Handmaiden are the easiest to do out of any of them.
Mira/Atton are kinda mid range tough but not that tough to do.
Bao Dur is the most challenging to turn though.
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 2:15 pm
by Alcina
Atton is definitely the easiest, as you have a long time to Jedify him, and there are plenty of things you can do to influence him, some of which are Light and some Dark, so you don't have to wreck your alignment.
Getting a Jedified Mira when you are Dark Side is pretty hard. I also find Disciple pretty difficult when I'm DS, as being DS seems to automatically lose you influence with him. But for a Darksider, BBao is the most frustrating: AFIAK there is only ONE thing you can do that gains influence with him which doesn't also give you LSPs...
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:46 pm
by B'omarr_Monk
[QUOTE=Alcina] there is only ONE thing you can do that gains influence with him which doesn't also give you LSPs...[/QUOTE]
Nope, there's still the 'Kreia-Trick'.
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:55 pm
by Alcina
[QUOTE=B'omarr_Monk]Nope, there's still the 'Kreia-Trick'.
Are you sure this actaully works? Every time I've tried it, I've failed to get the 'Influence gained so-and-so' box up on the screen, I only get the messages related to Kreia's influence...
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:02 pm
by B'omarr_Monk
I'm not sure if it works always, but it should at least once.
Kreia should ask if 'psychotic urges' were all that that drives you. The second party member will then comment the action. This gives you a chance for influence gain with that party member. You have to pick the correct answer, however. I'd recommend saving and trying all dialouge options if you aren't successful.
I was able to gain INF on Bao-Dur by setting off a certain set of explosives... :devil:
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:18 pm
by Alcina
I was able to gain INF on Bao-Dur by setting off a certain set of explosives... :devil:[/QUOTE]
Which ones??? The only ones I can think of (on Dxun) lose influence with him IMXP...
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:25 pm
by Darth Mason
I seem to remember tht if u follow up with the right choices you can gain influence but im not sure
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:55 pm
by B'omarr_Monk
Yes, that's correct. It should be the same options for Bao no matter which INF-gaining murder you commit. I don't remember the dialouge, but I think it's best to tell him that he had a choice and did the right thing.
Important: You need Kreia with you, and if you don't want your INF on her change, you'll have to appreciate her advice. But that's been said before.
And yes, of course I refer to the stupid Mandalorian on the ledge. I tried the Kreia-trick with Bao with him, and it worked perfectly. Bao's DS shift was enormous. And by the way: he looks really cool with DS mastery! (though the effect of 1-8 damage bonus can't compete with +3 STR as LS)
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:26 pm
by lonewolf13
Actually, I found that Bao is the easiest to jedify if your LS and keep him with you. He was the first party member I jedified once I knew how to get influence with him. It is a bit tedious though, and not really worth it since he progesses as a (spoiler)Jedi Guardian once you do it. You do get an extra converastion with him about the war on board the Hawk with high influence that you don't get without it.
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:10 pm
by B'omarr_Monk
As a female LS player, there's Disciple, who can be jedified a lot faster and easier than Bao Dur. In fact, I got the INF in the initial conversation with him in the enclave sublevel. I just had to adress him once more and pick the right topic. Nothing about running around and helping people and stuff.
Also, Handmaiden is easier to convert. You won't even get a single LS/DS point if you don't talk to her about anything but sparring- and her mother, as Kreia advises you.
Come to think of it, even Atton is easier...
Oh, and I think it is worth the time to train Bao. He gets fewer skills, but T3 can do anything Bao can, but better. And Force Jump is really powerfull, plus the bonus vitality points, which bolster up the rather weak Zabrak a lot.
btw, try training Bao as a DS player- that's real pain!
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:16 am
by Greg.
Handmaiden and Mira can be influenced enough to make them jedi without taking them off the Ebon Hawk...
I just spoke to Mira - got LS points. Said she looked restless and carried on the dialogue...
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:57 am
by Alcina
btw, try training Bao as a DS player- that's real pain![/QUOTE]
Isn't it just!! As I said above, apart from the Kreia trick and one other place (which I've now forgotten; checking the sensors perhaps?) every single thing you can do to gain INF with Bao gives youa LS hit.
Training Mira as a DS player is almost as bad, not least because of the ali gnment damage you have to allow to get her in the first place!
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:16 am
by Darth Mason
lol i never bother changing when im DS to get mira i prefer Hanharr. He's just a killing machine and you can have a bond thing with him which is quite cool