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Greatsword or greataxe

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:37 pm
by LeMasterMind
I play more online now. I was just wonder if the greatsword 2d6 or the greataxe 1d12 does more damage. Please include aspects that I didn't think about. The server I play on has the same bonuses on each type of weapon, so that doesn't matter. Thanks in advance. :)


Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:29 am
by Arius
Both are two handed martial, slashing weapons so equal there.

Greatsword: damage: 2d6 = 2-12 damage
Greataxe: damage: 1d12 = 1-12 damage

So the sword actually has better damage.

The crit range on the sword is 19-20 with a 2 multiplier, the axe crits on 20 but with a 3 multiplier.

So in conclusion the greataxe will critical hit 3 times the damage roll whereas the sword 2 times the damage roll but the sword will critical hit more often and also inflicts 1 more point of damage always. I say go with the sword, but its a close call.